Monday Morning Musings

Posted on September 2, 2013 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

Some of you are old enough to remember the band “Earth, Wind and Fire”. If you are not, go to Youtube and search for the song “September”. Have a listen.

Give your head a shake. Yes, it’s September again and a time of change. A change in the seasons and often a time of transition for many families. For young families, it may be the start of school for your 5 year old. This is both an exhilarating and traumatic event… for the parents!  And you could say much the same about your last child heading off to university, especially if they are going somewhere that is not in your hometown. It is a defining moment for families and a lot of mixed emotion. The first few weeks are odd when the usual chaos and bustle subsides and is replaced by silence. But like everything else, you get used to it and I can assure you that this feeling is fleeting and temporary. They will be back!

“If you build it, they will come”. ( Field of Dreams ). “If you humiliate yourself, they will come”. ( Field of Nightmares ). Ah yes, I certainly got your attention on the weekend with the story, “Getting an Earful” and the accompanying photo. I thought about posting this photo for some time as it was taken many months ago. I finally got up the nerve to do it after a pretty stressful week last week. I thought, what the hell. What have I got to lose besides my dignity? I knew it would make people laugh and that is what this project is all about. One kind soul commented “your stories pick me up when I’m down”. That is all the flattery and motivation I need to keep doing these stories.

Have you ever gotten stuck in a lineup at a convenience store behind a person who is cashing in their lottery tickets? And who wants to re-invest their precious dividends in more tickets, all the while causing a major traffic jam like the 401 at rush hour? This has happened to me so many times that I finally had to write about it. I was as charitable as I could be. The story is called “Of Vice and Men”, a steal from the classic John Steinbeck novel “Of Mice and Men” which is about two migrant workers during the Great Depression. One of the characters is Lennie. ( hint: lineup, lottery tickets, depression, Lennie ). You see, this is how my twisted mind works when I come up with these stories.

And coming up tomorrow is my story about the recently concluded Exhibition or,  Fall Fair,  as the locals refer to it. The story is called “Fall Fare” .

Hope you have a good week and don’t forget the big fundraiser coming up on September 26th. Support a great charity and have a few laughs while you’re at it.

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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