Thursday Tidbits

Posted on January 16, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet

Music has always been a big part of my life. My earliest memories were of house parties at my parents home. Young and old would gather in the living room around the piano and sing. Occasionally a fiddle player would show up but it was mostly piano and voices and as time went on, guitars were added to the mix. I still play a bit of guitar but am pretty average.

I say this things as a lead in to a story I am working on and I must warn you that it is pure nostalgia. We Baby Boomers think that were grew up in the golden age of everything, including music. Back in the ’60’s, there were quite a few local bands and if you were a musician, you could actually make money doing it. Isn’t that a novel idea! I see so many fantastic musicians plying their trade these days and other than a few of them, the rest struggle to make a living.

Back in the late ’60’s there were two bands, The Strangers and The Escorts who pretty well had the local market cornered. This was the era when there was a dance at the local Parish Centre virtually every weekend. Some people came to the dance… to dance, some to drink and others to fight.

The story is about these two bands. I can speak with some authority on this one as I was a member of The Escorts. I was eighteen,  playing on stage, making quite a bit of money and believing I was cool. Everything in the last sentence is accurate except for the last part. The story is called “Escort Service.” If nothing else, the title might get some of you to read it. Hope you’re not too disappointed when you find out that it doesn’t involve a brothel!

Heard some people complaining about the January thaw today…not enough snow for snowmobiling, snowshoeing and skiing. Last week the other half of the population was complaining about too much snow. Maybe there will come a day when each of us will be able to completely control the climate to suit our liking!

So, after weeks and week of backbreaking shovelling you’ve had enough and you order a snow blower. The day it arrives there is not a lick of snow on the ground and you can all but be assured there won’t be another snow fall of any consequence for the rest of the winter. I can think of several other things along these lines, sort of a “Born Loser” theme. Have to write a story about this…my weekend homework.

Have a great weekend and stay tuned for “Driven to Distraction” on Saturday.



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Tri Mac Toyota!

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A Splash of Inspiration

Posted on January 14, 2014 under Storytelling with no comments yet


What does your early morning routine look like?  Do you leap out of bed ready to embrace the day, from the moment your feet hit the floor?  Or do you hit the snooze button a couple of times and beg for two more minutes of precious sleep?  However you greet the morn, it is just about a dead certainty that you will pour some form of caffeine down your throat before heading for a hot shower.

I am an early riser and the toughest part of the day is swinging my legs over the side of the bed.  One too many marathons have given me a friend for life: arthritis in my back.  The first few moves are tentative until I get my feet onto the floor, but after that, I’m good to go.

These days, I’m at my computer before the birds are up, with a coffee in hand.  And after writing a new story and checking e-mail it’s off to the shower.

For a mother of young children, having a shower may be the most blessed time of the day and quite likely the only private moment in a revolving 24 hour cycle.  And that shower takes place at any time of the day or night … whenever the slim window of opportunity presents itself.

Most people who work outside the house start their day with a shower.  This is not an optional activity.  It is like priming the pump to get the well going.  You draw the curtain, turn the knobs and enter your own little oasis of tranquility.

The water pulsates from the shower nozzle and immediately hits you on the head.  It’s like a massage of the brain.  The warmth washes over you as you begin to visualize the day ahead.  There was a time when shampooing my hair was a project.  Can you say “afro?”

You start with the mundane things.  It is garbage day or I have a dental appointment.  You run down the “to do” list in short order.  But often, this is when your mind strays well beyond the present.

In January, it is common to ponder the year ahead and wonder what it might bring to you and your family.  Do I have any big goals that I want to accomplish?  What changes do I need to make in order to be healthy?  What do I need to do to increase my happiness index?

Some of our very best ideas come from the shower because we can actually hear ourselves think.  Other than the soothing sound of running water there is no extraneous noise to distract you.

After towelling off, the next step is usually the mirror.  You have successfully wiped away the fog in your head and now it is time to do the same with the mirror.  You have a perfectly good day in front of you.  What are you going to do with it?

It’s time to transport those ideas from the shower room and kick them into gear.

Ready.  Set.  Go.



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Tri Mac Toyota!

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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on January 13, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Another tequila sunrise

I know that some of you aren’t Facebook people and probably did not see this picture that I posted a few days ago. If you can get out of bed early enough, there are some spectacular sights including some amazing sunrises.

I received a lovely call on the weekend from Fran in Guysborough. She was calling to chat about the story “Mass Appeal” that appeared on my website and in The Casket  last week. It brought back a lot of memories for her growing up in a family of sixteen. She, too, was raised Catholic and went through some of the same pre-mass rituals including polishing 16 pairs of shoes. Some of you will remember the “It” white shoe polish. If you do, I know how old you are! She sounds like a natural born story teller and we chatted for quite some time. Near the end of the conversation she told me a story about her experience trying chewing tobacco. I had one of my own. Notice that I said one. If you have ever swallowed chewing tobacco juice, you will readily understand why I only tried it once. When I got off the phone, I rushed to my computer and whipped up 1000 words on this subject. The story is called ” The Spitting Image” and I will be posting it soon.

I mentioned to Fran about the Senior’s Café coming up February 5th. at the People’s Place library. It is the “Phil and Len Show” reincarnated. If you’re not working and want to come in for some story telling and treats, please come by the library at 2:00 on the 5th.

Tomorrow, I will be posting the story “A Splash of Inspiration.” I do some of my best thinking in the shower. How about you? When or where do you get flashes of inspiration?

And if you happened to miss it, just go to my website and go to the search box and enter “Laundry Quandry.” This story easily received the most comments of any story I’ve posted in months.

I still am brooding ( not really – I don’t do brooding very well! ) about the ticket I got for cell phone use while driving. I read and re-read the Motor Vehicle Act and the definition of “usage” is very vague. To reiterate, I was not texting, e-mailing or talking on my cell phone. I glanced at the screen to check a message. That qualifies as “usage.” With my tail between my legs, I dutifully went over to the Provincial Court building and paid my $169. fine. And speaking of tails, I used the opportunity to exorcise this event by writing a story about this event. It is called “Driven to Distraction” and I will be posting this soon as well. A dog plays the leading role.

On a more sombre note, I attended the funeral for Melissa Landry on the weekend. More than 1000 people were in attendance and it was a beautiful, moving ceremony. I had the privilege of singing for the funeral with the Cathedral choir. Rest in peace, Melissa.

Have a great week and count your many blessings.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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