Thursday Tidbits
Posted on February 6, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment
False advertising with the cover picture? Perhaps, but better than a picture of the most recent snowfall.
Let’s start with the Senior’s Café held yesterday at People’s Place library. Despite the gloomy weather forecast, more than 40 brave souls showed up to listen to Phil and I go on about romance, wine and snow blowers. The organizers said it was the biggest turnout they’ve had to date. Must have been that ad I posted on Facebook offering free booze. We had a thoroughly delightful time. The audience enjoyed tea, coffee and sweets while we did our thing. If you are a senior, you might want to check this out some time. The library is an amazing place. They have lots of interesting things going on there all the time.
My apologies to my loyal readers who showed up at the Senior’s Café to listen to three of my stories that they had already heard. I will make a mental note to add “fresh road kill” the next time I do a public performance. However, having said this, when I went to hear Paul McCartney the first time, I wanted to hear him sing “Hey Jude.”
I took a trip to Truro yesterday to see a doctor at a pain clinic. What a great guy. We talked about MRI’s and his bad experience having one. I told him I wrote a story about my experience. It’s called “Brain Wave” . It’s on page 89 of my book.
At the social media class I’m taking, the instructor starts every class with a trivia game. I must admit that I suck at trivia. I am not a movie buff and my knowledge of history and science is appalling. After our trivia game, I happened to mention in passing that I was a participant in Reach For The Top back around 1969-70. Those of a certain age will remember this show which pitted school against school in a trivia type game. The other three people on our team were brilliant. One of them went on to become a world renowned physicist. Three out of four ain’t bad. I was added to the team for my knowledge of sports and music. I won’t spoil the story. But it’s title should give you a clue. It’s called “Reach For The Bottom” and will be coming soon at Week45.
Admit it. At some point in your life, you lived in a dive, most likely as a student or when you got heaved out of the house by your parents and told to “go find yourself.” I was thinking about the place that I lived in Victoria, B.C. back in the ’70’s. We affectionately called it “The Bongo Pad” and I will be writing a story about this experience soon. You can simply change the names and locations and make it your story.
I have a number of other stories in the cue so stay tuned.
Here’s a great quote from one of the articles I read for my social media course. I think you can apply it to just about anything…unless you are retired, lying on a beach somewhere. It’s about taking yourself out of your normal comfort zone.
” You have to go where you don’t feel comfortable and embrace the discomfort and learn new ways of thinking. And there is nothing comfortable about that.” Steve Buttry.
Have a great weekend.