Thursday Tidbits

Posted on September 18, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment


Best shot of the day ( with a camera! ) #12 at Brudenell



There’s only one thing better than golfing if you haven’t played in years. And that is not golfing. I was on “The Island” for three days attending a conference. I haven’t played any golf in the past eight years. I tried playing on Sunday and it only took nine holes for my back to tell me in no uncertain terms, that this was a very bad idea. A sore back and a multitude of horrible shots, sent me scurrying back to the clubhouse. The sudden rain squall and dropping temperatures made the decision very easy.

When I checked in, the clerk announced that my room was in the “West Wing.” Wow. I was thinking presidential but it turned out very differently. You can read all about it in my upcoming story called ( oddly enough! ) , “The West Wing.”

This week’s “Monday Morning Musings” got somewhat derailed after the accounting of last Saturday’s “beach party” in Inverness.

I’m sure I have mentioned this before but I am taking my first crack at a trilogy with my “Milling About” stories. Back in the 1970’s, I worked for a period of time in a sawmill and quickly discovered that this was not my first career choice. Some funny things happened at the mill that I had completely forgotten about until I passed a sawmill in Middle Musquodobit a few weeks ago. The first episode will be launched soon.

I am pleased and excited with the progress of my second book. All the stories have been written and submitted to my book editor. We did a phot shoot last week and I am really happy with the cover design ( front and back ) that was done by Jean Pearcey of Jeanious Designs. Jean does wonderful work and you will see the results of her labor on December 4th. at my book launch at the library. More to come on this.

However, if you just can’t wait (!) you will have an opportunity to get the very first copy on Thursday, October 26th. at the fundraiser in Heatherton. ( See the poster at the top of the page ). I’m taking my Week45 Express show on the road. In addition to myself and my good friend Phil Milner, I am really pleased that my four children will be performing some tunes. They haven’t played together in close to 10 years.

There will be a silent auction and I will be donating the first book out of the box to the silent auction table. If you win the bid, I will stick around after the show and autograph it for you. The rest of the books won’t go on sale until December 4th. at the launch. Once again, I will be doing a signing on December 6th. and 13th. at the 5 to $1.00.

The response to yesterday’s story, “ No Waffling” was amazing. I have only had a few other stories in the last couple of years that have received as much attention as this one. I am really pleased and I suspect many of you are patrons of Authentic Belgian Waffles.

Please keep supporting all of our young business people and if at all possible, SHOP LOCAL. It’s so tempting to shop on line or go to the big cities but if we don’t support local businesses, there won’t be any in years to come. And then, who will support all of the sports teams and charities?

Have a terrific weekend.

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No Waffling

Posted on September 17, 2014 under Storytelling with no comments yet


A large waffle lineup at the Farmer’s Market



How does a young family lay down roots in a small community?

One waffle at a time.

Sometimes you just have to go with your gut instinct. And if it happens to be lunch hour, you simply go with your gut.

I had often seen the unmistakable yellow “waffle wagon” behind the parking lot at the Post office and at the Farmer’s Market. But only this summer, I’m sorry to admit, did I wander over to sample the goods produced by Alexandre and Nicole at Authentic Belgian Waffles.

Food trucks are popular in many of the large cities in our country, but you don’t see them too often in small town Canada. And more often than not, the fare can tend to be a tad on the greasy side.  Not that I object to some fries or onion rings from time to time.

My granddaughter and I were visiting the library, and at the suggestion of my wife we strolled through the back parking lot as midday approached and took our place in a short lineup. Good thing we got there early, because the lineup swelled as the lunch hour crowd arrived shortly thereafter.  We placed our order and they took our name.  The other people waiting for their food were regulars.  You can just tell.  They come for the food and a chance to get caught up on the news with friends.

My name was called and we headed over to the gazebo. It was one of those amazingly glorious summer mornings.  We sat on the steps with the Brierly Brook gurgling behind us.  The first bite I took was pure bliss and I was immediately hooked.

The food service industry is brutally tough. Especially a seasonal food business.  I don’t see many people in downtown Halifax lining up to get fish and chips in the dead of winter.

It would appear that Nicole and Alex have all the right ingredients for success. The food is very good. Most if not all of their raw material is locally sourced.  They believe in home-grown businesses just like theirs.  They also have the service part well honed.  On my second visit, they remembered my name.

This story is not just about another food option for the residents of Antigonish. It is about entrepreneurship and the need for citizens of our community to support the many young couples and individuals trying to make a go of it in tough economic times.  They work hard, but more importantly, they don’t expect to “have it all” right away.  They love Antigonish and want to stay here.  They want their young families to be immersed in the rich culture that saturates the area.

This young couple is about to make the next big leap. They will keep their wagon, but when the cool winds of fall and winter start to blow, they will be moving indoors to a new permanent location.

I also happen to know that Nicole is a belly dancer. She gives lessons and offered to show me a few steps.  This is not a pretty visual.  If I were to be seen in public busting some belly dance moves, I am quite certain that I would be quickly whisked away.  (No doubt – Editor)

This dynamic duo is determined to put down roots in Antigonish.

No waffling here.  Let’s welcome and encourage Alexandre and Nicole and others like them.





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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on September 15, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Frank sporting his 60’s look



When you get older, the “wow” experiences are few and far between, unless you count getting out of bed a wow experience. I do ! I attended a book launch on the weekend in Inverness for my good friend, Frank MacDonald. It was one of those days that I would have cheerfully stayed at home. You know how it goes. You commit to going to an event and when the day arrives, the forces of nature collide and the last thing you want to do is jump in a car and travel for an hour and a half.

Frank’s book, “Tinker and Bell” is the saga of two Cape Bretoners who head to San Francisco in the 60’s at the height of “hippiedom.” Not sure if this is a word but, what the hell, you know what I mean. When I received the notice of the launch, it was advertised as a “beach party.”

We gathered up our granddaughter ,Alison and hit the road. I was tired before the wheels even got moving. I figured this to be an endurance test and was already contemplating the moment my head would hit the pillow later in the evening. We arrived at the parking lot at the beach in Inverness. It was full. The road into the beach , bisecting the Cabot Links golf course, was lined with vehicles. It was sunny, a perfect temperature and a slight breeze.

As we headed to the beach, I noticed a lot of people dressed, well, like hippies. As we got closer to the beach, we came to a second parking lot and this was roped off, no doubt for dignitaries. Dignitaries of sorts. The lot was full of vintage, period cars and trucks. A long lineup had already formed ,to purchase Frank’s book and have it autographed. We headed down to the beach with Alison and could hear music.

On the beach, four musicians, four of Cape Breton’s finest rockers, we’re belting out Steppenwolf’s “Magic Carpet Ride.” The vibe was absolutely amazing. I watched the most amazing display of guitar playing I had seen in years…maybe ever. Brian Doyle was amazing and for one tune, “Spooky”, none other than Scott MacMillan, stepped out of the crowd and did some licks.

I thought I died and went to heaven. The afternoon should have been called “The Magical Mystery Tour.” As I stood and watched the spectacle, I thought of all the transplanted Maritimers living out West who ache to be back home to be a part of these special gatherings. You simply could not reproduce this anywhere else on the planet.

… And there was free coffee, tea and oatcakes. It was easily the best two hours of the summer. I put a video on my Facebook page of the band. Check it out.

I had many other things to share today but I had to tell you about the beach party.

Coming up here on Wednesday, and in this week’s Casket,  is a profile of the Waffle Wagon. I can make connections with just about anything. Nicole and Alexandre are two people who aren’t going out West. They are trying to make a go of it in Antigonish where they want to raise their family. The story is not about their delicious waffles but about their willingness to carve out a living here. Like most of us who call Antigonish our home, they want their kids to be immersed in the local culture. Stay tuned for “No Waffling.”

Have a great week.



Brian Doyle and the boys

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