Thursday Tidbits

Posted on July 2, 2015 under Thursday Tidbits with 2 comments


Searching for turtles at the river behind Columbus Field

Another Canada day has come and gone. As I wandered through a glorious day filled with sunshine, it dawned on me that we take so much for granted. Many people in the world can only dream what have come to expect here in our small corner of the world:

. When we woke up, the air was fresh and clean and we could see the sun… no smog here

. We had running water and electricity enabling us to have a hot shower and a fresh cup of coffee

. No one was dropping bombs from the sky or terrorizing us

. There was ample food on our table

. Our home was warm and dry

. We were able to walk freely down our Main Street and see smiling, welcoming faces at the Legion pancake breakfast

. We were able to walk into a drugstore and find shelves teeming with the necessities of life

. Our economy is strong. I went into our financial institution and withdrew cash

. We shared breakfast with people of different cultures and beliefs

. I sat at the gazebo at our apartment and read the paper. Freedom of expression is paramount. Even old geezers like me and Phil can write a weekly column for our local paper

. Did I mention all the green spaces in town and the beautiful flowers that adorn our downtown?

. A person is welcome to worship at any of the area churches

. We have several playgrounds for children to play in and excellent athletic facilities

. When we get sick and require medical care, it is just around the corner and paid by our tax dollars… not just rich people have access to top notch care

. We are a community that cares about its most vulnerable citizens

. We are blessed with talented musicians and artists.

. We have beautiful beaches and hiking trails galore

. Everyone was wearing the red and white yesterday. We’re a pretty patriotic bunch

I hope you realize it folks. We live in paradise.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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