Monday Morning Musings

Posted on October 26, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments


Beautiful Boylston



I must confess that I love three of the four seasons, maybe none more so than the Fall. I understand why so many tourists visit our province at this time of the year. It is such a treat for the eyes to watch Mother Nature unfurl all of her colors. Unless you’re a professional photographer, our phone cameras simply can’t capture the magnificence of it all.

My books arrived last Friday and I am very pleased with the results. The combination of my son Peter’s photography and the design work of Jean Pearcey have produced a visually appealing cover.

I did a book launch in Guysborough on Saturday. When I left Antigonish , early that afternoon for a 2:00 p.m. engagement at the Cyril Ward library, it was a very gray day… perfect for people to be indoors. By the time I got to Monastery, the sun started to peek out and by Boylston, you simply couldn’t get a more beautiful afternoon… perfect for a drive to look at the leaves or maybe put in the wood. But not the best weather for a book launch! However, 10 brave souls showed up and we had a good time. Three of the attendees were foreign exchange students. I’m not sure how much culture they picked up but it was delightful to have them there.

Later this week, Peter and I are hitting the road one more time. He’s moving to the West coast and we are driving to Victoria via Florida. You must think that we have a terrible sense of direction. We thought that a week of sun would be good for the spirits before crossing the U.S. on a diagonal track. I’m sure there will be lots of wonderful pictures from Peter posted on my website and surely a story or two. Join us for the ride.

Coming up this week, I will be posting the story about the Marian Boychoir. If you’re not at least 60 and didn’t grow up in Antigonish, this story won’t be familiar to you. However, it is worth the read because this choir produced some world class music under the guidance of a brilliant priest/musician, Rev. Terry Lynch. One of my neighbors on Court Street was in the very first group back in 1953.If all goes well, I might be writing a book about the choir. “Oh, How They Could Sing” will appear right here on Wednesday. There will be a picture of the 1960 choir to go with the story. See how many faces you can identify.

Later in the week, I will also be posting the story about an honest to goodness country doctor. Ken Murray has been practicing medicine up in Neil’s Harbor for 43 years. He and his wife Linda ( who is a tour de force in the community ) are originally from Halifax. They went to Cape Breton for a two year stint and ended up staying. You will recall that I said earlier that I enjoyed three seasons? I’m far less fond of winter than I used to be. One of the main reasons the Murrays stayed in the Highlands was because of the snow. They are outdoor enthusiasts and love it when there’s 17 feet of snow on the ground. “Hidden Gems” is the story of a caring and compassionate couple who have made a major contribution to their community.

How ‘bout them Blue Jays? I’m probably like a lot of people. I am a very casual baseball fan but boy, did I ever get caught up in the excitement of the Blue Jays post season run. Yes, the cynics will point out that it is folly to watch a bunch of millionaires throw, catch and hit a baseball but for sheer excitement, this was great television.

And, the Habs are 9-0.

Have a great week.

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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Book Dedication

Posted on October 24, 2015 under News & Updates with 3 comments

MacDonald Family at Heatherton

These guys rock ! ( Except of the old guy in red – the only rocking he does is in the rocking chair

Spoiler Alert: My third book is dedicated to my children.


Let me give you four good reasons why the next generation is in good hands: Margaret, Ellie, Betsy and Peter …. and their peer group.

It has always been that one generation looks at the one coming behind with a bit of skepticism and concern. Our parents were forever uttering the words “Kids nowadays!”

Let me tell you about my children and their cohort. By and large, I find this collective hard working, conscientious and caring.  Many of them (my four for sure!) are fiercely independent and strong willed. They are incredibly generous with their time and their talents, supporting good causes and pitching in to help in many ways.  They have a social conscience that is beyond admirable and they respect everyone regardless of race, colour, creed or gender.  They are not all that interested in material things, and getting to the top of the pile doesn’t seem to be a prime motivator. They are acutely aware that we are doing untold harm to the environment.

My children have become exemplary people. They are great parents and understand that being a member of their community requires time and effort beyond the work day.  They are all masters of communication, be it through essay, song, satire or the lens of a camera.  They have a good sense of self and a better sense of humour.

Some of the stories in this book are about travels. I have had the good fortune to journey with them in groups and individually.  They are interesting and interested.  Spending time with them is never dull.

I would like to dedicate this book to our four amazing children and to their friends. “Kids nowadays” are amazing and our best hope to save the planet. Just watch them.

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on October 19, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment





Do you remember when you played schoolyard games and when you were on the losing end, you yelled “uncle.? “ This meant that you surrendered, gave up, waved the white flag. So, here’s what I want everyone to do. Stop what you’re doing and yell “uncle” at the top of your lungs. If anyone asks you why, just tell them that you can’t possibly tolerate one more political promise or one more inane ad and that the pain and suffering will be over later on tonight. Unless, of course your poll is in Florida, in which case you might not get the results until a judicial recount in three weeks or so. Please tell me that we don’t have hanging chads. As Terry Fox said on his marathon of hope… “ somewhere the hurting must end.”

Having said this, I will be staying up way beyond my normal bedtime ( 9:30 p.m. !) until I know the results. As much as I love sports, nothing gets in the way of my beauty rest. Agreed. I need a lot of beauty rest. I am a political junkie and election night trumps all other television events. I thought of doing a “Trump” pun but the groan would be too loud.

So, here’s the deal. I don’t have the persuasive power of Rick Mercer but please, get out and vote today.

It would seem that you were as amazed as I was with the story that I posted on the weekend about my friend Judy. The response was great and left many of you shaking your heads as to how someone is able to deal with so much adversity and come up smiling. Judy is something else and has a big fan club. I am a charter member! If you didn’t get a chance to read it, go back and take a boo. It’s called “Judy’s Joyride.” You can find it at the bottom of my home page. You can always search other stories as all my posts are archived.

My story about the Marian Boychoir was pre-empted by my tribute to Benny Druhan and will be published next week. I am in discussions regarding the writing of a book about the Boychoir. It looks like it might be a go. By the way, I continue to be stopped on a daily basis by people who read the story about Benny ( 15000 and counting ). He was enormously popular. I had a chance to walk The Landing with his wife Charlene… and Bailey, early the other morning.

I am expecting big traffic problems in the town of Guysborough this Saturday, October 24th. around 2:00, in the vicinity of the library. Is there another big “chase the ace” jackpot, you ask? No. It’s my book launch, silly! My third book, “ Tales, Trails and Tunes” is being printed and I will have them in my hands later in the week. Why don’t you drop down and see me and while you’re at it, grab a bite at one of the fine eating establishments in this great town. I will even have a few seats in the car if you want to travel down with me.

Happy election day!

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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