Welcome Syrian Friends

Posted on January 23, 2016 under News & Updates with 3 comments

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Please welcome our new neighbors and friends: The Hudhuds, the Al Zhouris and the Al Amins

This picture was taken at a gathering at People’s Place Library on Saturday, January 23, 2016. It was the first time that our three Syrian families were able to see each other as a group. Karin Fleurin showed a montage of pictures of the four seasons. Our friends are encouraged to know that there are other seasons besides winter!

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Faces in the Crowd – Stay Strong, Amma

Posted on January 21, 2016 under Faces in the Crowd with one comment



As a young girl, growing up in Madurai, India, she had big dreams. She was fascinated with airplanes and with medicine.

Meet Lalitha Natarajan.

She and her husband, Roger, moved to Canada in the early 70’s. For 31 years she toiled as a Personal Care Worker at a local nursing home. The hours were long, the work was rewarding and she loved caring for the people she served. She also laced up her boots and helped her young daughter with a paper route, once delivering the Herald in -45 weather. She taught her children the meaning of hard work and perseverance. She led by example.

Today, her daughter is a doctor and her son is a commercial airline pilot. Lalitha is living her dreams vicariously.

Cruelly, her husband was taken away from her in a motor vehicle accident not long after she had retired. She went into mourning and still grieves daily. But she has channeled her grief by giving back to the community. She helps serve hot meals two days a week at a local church, to people who need nourishment of body and soul. They provide her with comfort and a sense of family.

Her grandchildren call her “amma”, a term of endearment. They recently scribbled a few notes to their grandmother on a fridge magnet: “Stay strong.” “Things happen for a reason.”

They needn’t worry.

It is not easy being strong but Lalitha has demonstrated strength her entire life. In her words, “Success doesn’t come without suffering.”



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Tri Mac Toyota!

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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on January 18, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

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January is zipping along quite nicely, don’t you think? We’ve had a few blasts of winter but there have been no shortage of days where the walking has been perfect. I still enjoy an early morning walk before the town wakes up.

Social media continues to transform the way we communicate and, love it or hate it, it is here with us to stay. It’s hard to imagine what will eventually supplant Facebook but certainly these days, this appears to be the public forum of choice. If you’re not a Facebook user, you might just want to skip the next few sentences because they won’t mean a damn thing to you.

Last week, my “Faces in the Crowd” post received an unprecedented response. I have been writing stories for over three years now. Up until last week , my story about the skunk in Lou Brosha’s grave was the story that had received the most attention on social media. If you’re new to this site or have never read the story before, here’s the link: http://www.week45.com/lous-last-laugh/

“A Heart of Gold”, the short piece on crosswalk guard Bill Ryan, received over 17,000 views, 161 shares, 665 likes and 67 comments…. and counting. I had no idea that Bill was so well known and so well liked. The next time you’re at the intersection of Xavier Drive and Braemore Avenue, toot your horn and give Bill a big wave. He will certainly wave back.

You may have noticed that I haven’t been writing a lot of full length stories recently. No excuses but like everyone else, Christmas has a way of putting a lot of other stuff on hold. I hope to get back on the horse again soon.

I have been quite busy with the Syrian refugee project sponsored by St. Ninian Parish. We have an executive in place along with about 10 committee chairs. I want to publicly thank members of the SAFE organizing committee for sharing their time and expertise to help us get our project off the ground. Our group has a name: C.A.R.E., which stands for Canadians Accepting Refugees Everywhere.  If anyone wants to volunteer to be a member of any of our committees, just get in touch. Please visit and join the C.A.R.E. Facebook page.

As part of the fundraising drive ( we need to raise $27,000 ), I am planning on selling a total of 100 copies of my first two books at a discounted price of $10. each and donate the entire proceeds ( $1000 ) to the cause. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll see that you get one. This offer is not available through retail outlets…you have to get it from me!

Have a great week and keep your eye out for this week’s “Faces in the Crowd” coming Thursday.

P.S. Quote of the week:

“ Preach always. Use words if necessary.” St. Francis of Assissi ( thanks DMG )


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