Monday Morning Musings

Posted on February 29, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet



Once again, the response to “Faces in the Crowd” was extraordinary. The recently retired Dr. Robert Sers was obviously revered by his peers but more importantly by the thousands of people that he helped through difficult times with caring, compassion and skill.

For many of you, this was your first introduction to my writing. While I love writing these “living tributes,” I cut my teeth writing short humour stories. Now I realize that everybody can’t live in Antigonish ( although we would welcome you with open arms! ), so for those of you new to Week45 and who live in far flung places, take note.

I have published three books of short stories about everyday life. They are available for purchase on my website but I want you to know that I’ve just inked a deal with the Chronicle Herald and they are carrying my books at their on line store. As an introductory offer, you can buy all three volumes for the low, low price of $40. ( a $55. value )… and they’ll ship them right to your door.

Go to the link, click on my book “Family, Friends and Foibles” and fill your cart! Thanks.

So I’m just back from a week’s vacation in Florida with my brother. We parted in Halifax this morning and on his way home to Amherst, he hit an animal and rendered his car “ non- functional.” This, in and of itself, is not shocking. However, it was broad daylight, the animal was a raccoon and ( ahem ), the raccoon was already dead. I’m not making this up but I may turn my full attention to this with a story… or penning  a country and western song!

Have a great week.


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Star Gazing

Posted on February 25, 2016 under Faces in the Crowd with 2 comments



“It was a hereditary defect. I had doctors on all sides of the family!”

Meet Robert Sers.

The smell of freshly baked bread wafts through the kitchen. Robert, and his wife, Moira, have been up since the crack of dawn and tag team the bread making.

Robert spent the early years of his life in Goldboro. His father, Dr. Rolf, a Latvian refugee and his mother, Dr. Phyllis, a pediatrician, moved to Antigonish when Robert was eight.  His innate curiosity was cultivated by Jessie Baxter, a teacher at the old St. Ninian Street School and “one of the best teachers I ever had,” according to Sers.

In high school, he was one of the few people who had any inkling of what would be his life’s work.   He continued his studies and became a well known and greatly respected surgeon.  Add in a keen sense of humour, and one could say he kept people in stitches for many years.

In his youth, Robert took piano lessons from Sister Agnes MacAdam. She wanted him to become a classical pianist.  He would have none of it.  He was more interested in ragtime.  He plays nearly every day and even penned a piece for his wife, “Moira’s Waltz”, the year they were married.

He has always been fascinated by the stars – astronomy has been a passion for a long time.

When asked about the next chapter of his life, he was quick to say,” I want to immerse myself in my family.” He loves being a grandparent.  “You get to enjoy the grandchildren without the responsibility of turning them into citizens.  That’s their parents’ job.”

Some of his newfound freedom is spent helping with the Syrian refugee effort. “Canada was very good to my family and it’s time to give something back.”

Doctor, baker, pianist, star gazer, grandfather, advocate …

Retirement redefined.




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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on February 22, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments

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More of Andrew Murray’s artistry


A society of zombies.

Do you think there will be a generation that won’t know how to talk? As I sat in the departure lounge for a flight south, everybody, I mean everybody was manhandling one or more electronic devices. It was hard to believe that nearly 250 people could be so quiet. I’ve heard more chatter in a funeral home.

We’re about to “leap” into March.

A few reflections on the first two months of the year:

. The Habs and Leafs are in a race to the bottom.

. It’s winter. Stop whining.

. Antigonish has been galvanized with the arrival of several Syrian refugee families… with more on the way.

. You’re really enjoying “Faces in the Crowd.” Later this week ( Thursday ) you will see a very recognizable face. He won’t be wearing his white lab jacket and no stethoscope around his neck.

Two more things. Sat with legendary college basketball hoops star from the 70’s, Mickey Fox and his lovely wife Brenda, on the flight to Tampa. Two rows back was Premier MacNeil. He was heading to Clearwater ( maybe to revamp the Senior’s Pharmacare plan?! ).

The Chronicle Herald will start selling my books later this week at their on line store.   You can get all three books ( $55 value ) for $40.

Have a great week.


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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