Posted on February 18, 2016 under Faces in the Crowd with 3 comments

Concussions derailed her participation in many of the sports that she loved, but this hasn’t stopped her from pursuing other passions.
Meet Charlotte Curley.
She left Owen Sound, Ontario in 2011 and headed to the East Coast at the behest of her high school guidance counsellor … a St. F. X. grad. She wanted to pursue education and sports, and she was intrigued with this small, Catholic university.
She was raised a Catholic, and as a child her babysitters were a Mennonite family. She says that they remain “like a third set of grandparents”, who blended seamlessly with her family to give her a secure and solid foundation in life.
She quickly became engaged in university life as a member of the Chapel Choir and a residence assistant. Later she joined the Antigonish Choral group and is a member of St. Ninian Cathedral Senior Choir.
She played sports along the way and suffered a few concussions. This necessitated a change in direction, so she tried recreational rowing as an alternative. Even this activity posed challenges so she now volunteers as a Novice coach.
Her biggest surprise from her time at St. F. X. was that she discovered a love of research and is presently employed in that role at the university. Her field of studies is infants, and she admits that working with babies interests and excites her.
Unexpected winds have driven her off course, but there are new and wonderful opportunities on the horizon now.
Charlotte won’t be making any more ripples with her oars, but this bright, engaging woman will be making waves wherever she goes.
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Posted on February 15, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments

Valentine’s Day joy
I am happy to report that Valentine’s Day was another smashing success. Did I shower my wife with flowers, chocolates or fine dining? No. She would be very suspicious if I did that. Did we sneak away to a romantic getaway, sipping wine and reading books in front of a roaring fire? No. So what exactly can a guy do that is guaranteed to please his partner on this special day? Stay out of the way and let her play with her grandchildren. We had two of ours around for much of the weekend and my wife was in heaven. All you grandmothers know exactly what I mean.
I am pleased to announce that Eunice Caroline Byard was the winner of last week’s contest. She was the first person to “like” my Week45 FB page. I hope to meet her soon to hand over the goods.
The votes are in. Antigonishers love Jimmy Statchcook. There was an outpouring of affection for one of the most recognizable figures on the Main.
I have a lot of new readers on FB but most of you are aware that not all of your friends see your posts. Please don’t ask me to explain logarithms. If you want to be 100% certain to receive my stories and musings, go to my website at and sign up with old fashioned e-mail to get regular updates.
Have a great week.
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Posted on February 13, 2016 under Faces in the Crowd with one comment

C.A.R.E. members Devan Cameron and Gemma MacPherson
Gather up your loose change, empty your piggy banks and head down to the Bergengren Credit Union. As part of the ongoing fundraising efforts for the St. Ninian’s C.A.R.E. group ( Canadians Accepting Refugees Everywhere ) to bring in another Syrian refugee family, C.A.R.E has partnered with Bergengren in this unique initiative.
Bergengren Credit Union has recently purchased a coin sorting machine. It is located in the area that houses the ATM machines. The coin sorting machine is only available during regular business hours. You deposit the coin into the machine and within a few seconds, it automatically tallies up the total. The machine spits out a receipt with your total.
You walk the receipt over to one of the tellers. If you tell them that the money is for St.Ninian’s C.A.R.E., the full amount can be directly deposited into this account. If you require a tax receipt, the net proceeds ( some fees may apply ) are given to the customer which can then be brought to either Success’N Planning at 86 College Street or to St. Ninian’s Parish office.
It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s for a great cause.
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