Wall to Wall Confusion

Posted on April 18, 2016 under Storytelling with 2 comments



5.05 acres of confusion

Shopping for groceries is one of my chores that I do cheerfully.  I know my way around the store, and can easily find everything that I normally use.  From time to time a recipe throws you a curve ball, and you need a staff member to assist you.  Every five years or so the store does a massive makeover and switches the location of every product, just to make sure that you notice other items in the store that you don’t typically buy … and to confuse senior citizens like me.

It’s one thing to find trouble locating Harissa hot chili paste, but when was the last time you went grocery shopping and couldn’t locate …. your vehicle?

It was a quiet Tuesday afternoon when I entered the Walmart on the outskirts of Victoria.  And make no mistake, this was no ordinary Walmart.  This was a 220,000 square foot behemoth, the largest of its kind in Canada.  On a typical day over 7000 shoppers pass through the checkouts, all 27 of them.  Why would any sane person, let alone a guy from a small town, ever consider going into a place like this?


With lots of free time on my hands I thought I would grab a few bags of groceries.  The underground parking lot was Disneyesque in size, but wise man that I am, I chose a spot not far from the escalators that take you up to ground zero; the main entrance to the building.

I don’t intimidate easily, but when you’re staring down the barrel of 5.05 acres, well that sets the heart beating just a bit quicker.  The grocery store section could have held both of our major chain stores back home.  Luckily for me there were lots of staff on the floor and I was able to find everything I needed.  I proceeded to the front of the store.  I texted a friend back home, wondering if I would need the Google Maps feature on my iPhone to locate the checkouts.  She politely suggested that I should have left a trail of bread crumbs as I was making the rounds.

Because it was a “slow day” according to the cashier, only 20 of the 27 checkouts were operational.

I exchanged pleasantries with the clerk, who tried to explain to me what it was like in this store during the lead up to Christmas.  I couldn’t even imagine it.  I left the store, proud of myself for having tamed the beast.

That feeling didn’t last long.

Even though I only had a few bags, and could have easily carried them to my vehicle, I just had to try the escalator that is specifically designed to take your shopping cart from the upper level to the parking garage.

I knew roughly where I had parked my brother’s car.  I hadn’t paid really close attention.  I should have. The first pass yielded no results.  Until today, I had been using his wife’s car which was small and red … like the one we own back home.  I wasn’t even sure what the make of his vehicle was.  The keyless entry apparatus wasn’t helpful.

I made two more passes of the garage.  A security guard walked by, but I was too embarrassed to ask him to help me find a vehicle, the make and model which completely eluded me.  Just then, a blind man whisked by and I felt a tad sheepish as he made his way effortlessly through the lot.

The panic button.  I gave myself a good crack on the side of the head when I realized that one press of the button and, presto, my vehicle would show itself.  One small problem; the battery was dead.

The good news was that I had lots of food, in the unlikely possibility that I would have to spend the night huddled in a corner.  And then, my mind cleared and I felt at peace.  I would simply stay there until closing time.  My vehicle would be the last one in the lot!

Just then, a car backed up and in that instant, I spotted the grey Honda.  I was enormously relieved.

A new version of “Amazing Grace” popped into my head.  “I once was lost but now am found … with Tommy’s CR-V.”

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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on April 18, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

Halibut Pete

One that didn’t get away. A fillet from a 50 pound halibut that Peter caught Saturday in the Juan de Fuca Strait


I am a big fan of Calgary Mayor, Naheed Nenshi.  Are you?

I read a letter that he posted in  Saturday’s Globe and Mail. Here is a snippet:

“ In Calgary, we’ve started something simple called 3 Things For Calgary. It’s a simple idea that asks each Calgarian to do three things each year to make our community even greater. It could be something as small as cleaning up trash, or hosting a barbeque for your neighbors in your front yard , or something big like joining a non-profit board. Now imagine 3 Things For Canada. Imagine everyone of us doing three things this year to make our community and our world stronger.”

3 Things For Antigonish?   Are you in! Let’s see if we can get a hundred people to say “ I’m in.”

I hope you’re not getting turned off with my shameless boosterism of Antigonish!

Thank you for the terrific response to two posts this week. There was a lot of feedback on the story of Martha MacDonald and the incredible Boyd clan. It is obvious that this family is well known and well respected in the community.

 And I appreciate the comments about the rather harmless piece that I posted on Saturday called “ Why I Love Antigonish.” I wrote that piece in under 10 minutes and it was one of those stories that took on a life of its own. I guess that I am not the only one who feels the way I do about our community. I well remember a dear old friend, Rev. Leo “Pops” McKenna who taught me a lot about golf and life. He was forever expounding the virtues of the area. “ We live in paradise and we don’t even know it’” was one of his favorite expressions.

Hopping to post a full length story this week ( for old times sake ). It’s about me losing my vehicle in a mammoth parking lot at Walmart!

And coming up on Thursday, my “Faces in the Crowd” story will be about someone from the area who received a double lung transplant a number of years ago. Stay tuned for “Breathless.”

Have a great week.


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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Why I Love Antigonish

Posted on April 16, 2016 under Storytelling with 2 comments


Bonfires on the Beach


We’re not perfect.

We still have poverty right in our back yard. We don’t have enough affordable housing. We grapple with income inequality.

On the other hand, we are a caring lot. When the going gets tough, we roll up our sleeves . We help those you can’t help themselves. We possess goodwill in abundance.

We are extremely lucky to have a University and a Regional hospital to anchor our economy and supply us with stable work.

We are blessed with natural beauty. Our air and water are clean. We have pristine beaches and wonderful hiking trails.

We’re not perfect but we are getting better at accepting those who practice different religions, have different customs, and speak different languages. We acknowledge that we are all immigrants, with the exception of our First Nations people.

We are becoming more accepting of people with different sexual orientations;  a work in progress.

We have a spirit of generosity that is unparalleled. Any worthy cause is supported with time and money.

We are not perfect.

We are blessed with many young couples who have chosen to stay here, raise families and operate businesses. Oh yes. They always seem to be among the first to volunteer when assistance is required for some worthy purpose.

We are a community that oozes culture.

 We have The Park Bench Players.

 We are blessed with world class artists, musicians, dancers , actors and  writers. We love our sports and are good sports. We have it all.

We’re not perfect but there is nowhere else I’d rather call home.


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Highland Hearing Clinic

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