Monday Morning Musings

Posted on April 4, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments

Tom , Catherine, Len and Oslo 2015

Len, Tom, Catherine and Oslo 2015

Peter MacDonald photo


One no Trump.

On April Fools Day, I saw a post on Facebook encouraging all of us political junkies to have a “Donald Trump Free Day.” I thought that this was an excellent idea and refused to turn on CNN or even watch the CBC National News that evening. And then I did the same thing yesterday. I realize that I have been sucked into the vortex of sensationalism and negativity and I want no part of this. So, for at least the month of April, I’m going cold turkey on CNN and Trump. Only bridge players will get the significance of my opening words!

I’m humming Willie again as I’m “ Back on The Road Again.” I’m heading to Victoria tomorrow for a month. My brother and his wife are going away for a month and I am going to “dog sit” for them. Oslo is a beautiful Golden Retriever and the two of us will walk many miles through the flower dappled neighborhoods of Oak Bay. I might even get a dog story out of this experience. I will get my first taste ( a bad choice of words! ) of poop scooping.

And speaking of dogs, a chocolate lab is featured in this week’s “Faces in the Crowd.” ( FITC ) The subject of this story will be recognizable to many and you will see a side of him that most people will find quite interesting.

What are the odds of staying married for 50 years? I’m not sure but first of all, a couple has to have the good fortune to live that long. They have to have patience and understanding ( toilet seat up… toilet seat down! ) . And they probably need to have a good sense of humour. I have a story coming up that will make your jaw drop. I spent a wonderful afternoon recently in a country kitchen chatting with a lovely lady and her niece. She was born into a family with 12 other siblings. Of the thirteen, 12 have celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary! And the thirteenth passed away just a few months shy of his 50th. Keep your eye out for this piece in the coming weeks in FITC.

Have a great week.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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