Thursday Tidbits

Posted on June 15, 2017 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet

“Crazy Bitch” taking flight

Passionate? Yes.

Crazy? No.

I am spending ten days in Montreal with our daughter Ellie and our granddaughter…. and their newly adopted Chihuahua, Manny. I’m doing a bit of cooking, and some early morning dog walking . On most days, I walk to school with Ivory and pick her up at the end of the day.

I am also getting a close up look at what it takes to become a stand up comedian.

Ellie is performing a one act show, called “Crazy Bitch” as part of the Fringe Festival. There are more than 100 shows/acts. The competition for audiences is fierce but friendly. All of the performers are uncommonly supportive of their peers. They routinely go to each other’s shows. They hang out after the shows. It’s a family affair.

Ellie has been a bundle of creative energy since her childhood. At an early age, she fell in love with the theatre and acted in numerous productions. She and her sisters and brother, performed music at concerts, festivals, weddings and funerals. They still get together from time to time… one of the great joys of being a parent.  Ellie was a fixture at the Farmer’s Market selling her famous cupcakes. She was an extraordinary producer of wedding cakes. ( Cakes By Ellie ) I know. I helped deliver most of them, one of the most hazardous jobs in the world!

So, how does one become a successful comedian?  Hard work mostly and an unwavering dedication and passion.

It’s not good enough to be funny and quick on your feet. You have to pay a lot of dues like most other businesses. When she’s not working at her day job, she’s constantly writing, rehearsing and honing her craft. She does much of her best thinking when wandering the trails of Mont Royal. And when you’re getting started, you have to pay great attention to marketing and promotion , most of which are a solo effort. Prior to her shows, she can be found at the Fringe Park on St. Laurent Avenue, handing out promotional cards.

The Montreal Fringe Festival is in full swing and Ellie has several performances under her belt. The reviewers are effusive in their praise of her work and she has been drawing very good crowds. She is on the list of shows “ selling well” on the Fringe website.

Now I know you’re all wondering. Have I gone to see her show? No. From reading the reviews and a gut feeling (!), I decided that I would cheer from the sidelines, far from the Wiggle Room, a popular venue in the city. I am far from prudish. But I’m reasonably certain that this is a PG  production. It hasn’t been listed as such… just a hunch. In this case , “ parental guidance” means that it is not suitable for parents of the performer!

If hard work and steely determination are worth anything,  Ellie has a very good chance of succeeding.

If you happen to be in Montreal this week, she has four more performances before the festival winds up on Sunday. Check it out… just for laughs.

Have a great weekend.


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on June 12, 2017 under Storytelling with no comments yet

Verdun street fair

La Belle Province.

I’m hanging out with my granddaughter in Montreal for 10 days. Her mother is performing in the Fringe Festival so I’m here to help out. Like many parts of Eastern Canada, Montreal had a crappy spring with lots and lots of rain. But now summer, has arrived ( unofficially ) and we’re seeing the city in all its splendour. And it’s a big year for the city as it celebrates its 375 birthday.

While it may appear that I do a lot of traveling, I really haven’t seen much of the world so I have nothing on which to base the following statement but… I believe that Montreal is one of the great cities in the world especially in the summer months where you’ll find a festival on just about every street corner. This past weekend, the city was just electric. The weather was awesome with warm temperatures and gentle breezes.

The big F1 race was on,  bringing tens of thousands of visitors. The Fringe Festival is also a big deal with hundreds and hundreds of acts. Many communities are holding street fairs with the major thoroughfares blocked off to vehicular traffic. It is all festive and wonderful to behold. The streets are teeming with pedestrians, musicians, vendors, food carts, clowns and jugglers. All of the street side cafes and balconies are packed with happy people. The vibe is just wonderful.

Montreal also has a first class mass transit system making it easy and quite inexpensive to get around.

Now before you get all crazy and decide to jump into your car and come and see all this for yourselves, I want to issue you a stern warning:  DO NOT DRIVE A CAR IN MONTREAL. I have driven through every major city in North America and  L.A. ( Lake Ainslie! )… no, Los Angeles is the worst. Dublin is not an easy city in which to drive. Delhi? Impossible. Only someone with a death wish would get behind the wheel in a city of 23 million drivers with no lines on the road.

I still think Montreal  trumps them all. I have never seen a city where road construction is omnipresent. Yes, major cities always have to keep highways and thoroughfares in good shape but it just never ends in Montreal. There are detours galore and unless you have a GPS or Google maps, the “ French only” signs aren’t a big help and will leave you sobbing on the side of the road as you attempt to find your destination for the fifth time.

I walked from the base of Mount Royal to Old Montreal on the weekend. I never leave the city without stopping in for a few minutes to witness the grandeur of Notre Dame Cathedral where Celine Dion was married and the place where funerals were held for icons like Jean Belliveau, Maurice “ Rocket” Richard and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. I haven’t been there since they started charging admission to go inside and look… $6.00 but well worth it.

I took my granddaughter to a family friendly afternoon of comedy, juggling and magical tricks on Sunday. They had some very young performers and some seasoned professions including a magician and illusionist who was world class.

It’s hard to get in a rut in Montreal… unless you’re driving !

Have a great week.

P.S. Thanks to the large crowd who turned out for the Armchair Traveler’s session at the library last Thursday. It was the first really warm evening  all spring and at 6:50, ten minutes before the show, there were only 3 people there. By 7:00, 55 brave souls came by.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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Thursday Tidbits

Posted on June 8, 2017 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment


Please join me this evening for an encore presentation of my travels in India. Once again, I am pleased to be joined by my brother , Don who was with me when I encountered the problem with my visa. I think you will enjoy the photos and to hear about what it’s like to be detained in a foreign country.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a Business Forum at the Millennium Center which was attended by over 100 business and community leaders from the Strait area. There were three distinct panels speaking about the current business environment at home and abroad. We listened to success stories and the challenges facing small businesses and small communities. The speakers were excellent and it was time well spent. There was a lot of “ fire power” in that meeting room.

It occurred to me as I surveyed the room that Antigonish is blessed with so many bright, talented people. I still believe that our community has more going for it than just about any place on the globe. We live in a safe and clean part of the world. We have plenty of natural resources. We have a university and regional hospital which brings stability to the economy. Our climate is desirable… except when it’s not! Yes, it has been a tad wet and cold for the past while but we don’t suffer catastrophic weather events.

Most importantly, we have some of the most amazing people in our midst from every walk of life. The question was posed to panelists: “ What is the “ Antigonish Advantage?” Just about everyone said that what makes Antigonish special is the sense of community. People “ from away” feel welcome. Diversity is embraced and encouraged. When something needs to be done, we roll up our sleeves and get it done. We have so many natural advantages in this small part of the world. I think most of all, most people “ get it.” People here understand their privileged place in the world and are grateful.

I also believe that the real strength of the community lies in our volunteers. There are hundreds of unsung heroes who quietly go about lending a hand. They work at fundraising events; they deliver communion to the sick; they sit on boards and committees; they bake treats and make meals when families are suffering the loss of a loved one. They coach children’s sports teams and plan events that benefit the area. They never seek the limelight.

I also believe that the long term success of our community involves welcoming many more  immigrants who bring a work ethic and entrepreneurship. As we have seen from the success of “ Peace by Chocolate”, foreigners won’t take Canadian jobs. Many of them will create new ones.

Our elected officials need to continue to make our area attractive, not just to tourists, but to our young people. Yes. They will go away to work, sometimes because they have to and sometimes because they want to. But we want them to come back and we must give them good reasons including an environment that provides business opportunities , good paying jobs and accommodations that are within their price range.  Every year, ST.F.X. graduates 1000 or so bright people. Many of them say that they love this place and hate to leave. Let’s give some of them a reason to stay.

We must also continue to commit time and resources to our most vulnerable. We need to build on the excellent work of the affordable housing group that will soon launch phase two of their initiative.

I feel very bullish about Antigonish in this sometimes crazy, mixed up world.

Have a great week. See you this evening.

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