Monday Morning Musings

Posted on June 5, 2017 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments


Is there anything as wonderful as the smell of lilacs in bloom?

Spring is grudgingly moving ahead. The leaves have returned along with dandelions, tulips and all kinds of flowers. If you have allergies, there is a good chance that spring is one of your least favorite times of the years. I bet that you know at least one person who complained about the dandelions. I could send them a graphic picture from a Delhi slum that might render their complaint trivial. I’m having a lot of these kinds of moments lately. People complain about the most mundane things. Truly, most of us who are healthy, have very little to complain about.

But lilacs. We were out walking with our granddaughter the other evening and stopped at the lilac tree on the property once occupied by Virginia Mattie, better known in these parts as “Miss North Grant.” I miss her grand entrances at mass at the cathedral.

I wonder if anyone has been able to adequately describe smell? India had many distinct smells… some more pleasant than others! I wouldn’t be surprised that the day will come (maybe it’s already here) where we’ll be able to get smells through electronic devices.

I was honored to be the Master of Ceremonies for the fundraiser for baby James Eee. We had a stellar lineup of performers and a great turnout. James’ mother is Melvin Tan’s sister. Melvin and Cathy run the Asian food truck and Melvin does the sushi at Sobey’s . The money raised is going towards astronomical medical bills incurred at the IWK. If you would like to help out, please go to their Facebook page ( Friends of Baby James Eee ); checkout the GoFund me page at or drop into the Bergengren Credit Union and tell them you would like to make a donation to the “ Benefit Account  for James Eee.” As always, your generosity is appreciated.

We were thrilled that Baby James and his parents showed up for the second half of the benefit. His mother, Bella, gave a touching speech. Just prior to this, Sheumais Macleod did a brilliant version of James Taylor’s “ Sweet Baby James.” The concert ended with a rousing rendition of “ With a Little Help From my Friends” sung by Charles and Al Lowe. Sheumais and I chirped in with some harmonies and we were joined by everyone in the audience. One of the many reasons I love this town.

Just a reminder that I will be doing another presentation of my time in India this coming Thursday, June 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Stop in and say hello.

Have a great week.


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Fundraiser Today – Baby James

Posted on June 4, 2017 under News & Updates with no comments yet

Please join me today at St. James United Church and support a family who is going through a tough time. The Eee family came to Canada to visit our good friends, Melvin Tan and Cathy Lin ( Little Asian Food Truck ). While here, Bella Eee delivered a premature baby, James which required expensive hospitalization at the IWK.

Today, June 4th. from 2-4 p.m., a group of talented performers will gather at St. James to raise some money for the family. I will be the Master of Ceremonies.

This is a ” family friendly” event so please bring the children along.

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