Monday Morning Musings

Posted on August 21, 2017 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments


Yeah, yeah. I know I posted this picture on the weekend but this time I photo shopped myself out of the picture, enhancing it immeasurably.

I have done a lot of driving this summer… you know, the usual stuff. I have made several airport runs, been to the beach many times and have enjoyed showing our beautiful province to people from other parts of Canada and indeed the world. This is prime time in Nova Scotia. Everything is lush and green and the flower beds are bursting with colour. Agreed, the wells could use more rain and that will come in due course.

All of this is a pleasant distraction from what’s going on south of the border and indeed, in many trouble spots around the globe. Long term readers of my posts know that I will go to great lengths to avoid controversy similar to trying to avoid poison ivy. It is not that I am trying to take the easy way out. One on one, I will happily engage in discourse about the state of global affairs but sharing my world view on social media is not likely to be impactful.

I prefer to shine a light on extraordinary ordinary people. They are all around us doing wonderful things, quietly… out of the limelight.

Mary MacLellan is one of those people. She lives on route 245 somewhere between Doctor’s Brook and Malignant Cove. She has been an elected municipal official for a long time. I can’t even begin to list all of the causes that she has championed over the years. She is indefatigable. She also makes the best seafood chowder in the universe and her garden pond is nothing short of breathtaking. If you want to get a glimpse of heaven, go to the Dockside Café in Arisaig and try some of Mary’s chowder. Then drive up the road a few kilometers, turn off the car and walk over to “ Mary’s Pond.” It is both spectacular and serene.

Sally “ Central “ Beaton from Mabou, passed away a few days ago in her 101st year. A few years ago, I had the honor of sitting with Sally in her kitchen to hear the remarkable story of her life. In case you missed it, you can read Sally’s story here.

Mary and Sally are the kind of people who have made a difference. They have a positive outlook and choose “ deeds over words.” We can all talk ourselves blue in the face about Trump, North Korea and fake news. Our time could be better spent following the path of wonderful women like Mary and Sally. They make the world a better place.

Have a great week.

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Thursday Tidbits

Posted on August 17, 2017 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment

John Ponnya and Sister Archana Das


It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of one of my friends from the leprosy colony in Kannyakumari, India. John Ponnya died on Wednesday, August 16th.

I met John for the first time on December 31st. 2016 when I attended a New Year’s Eve morning mass at the leprosy community. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous going there the first time as I had many preconceived notions. The Sisters assured me that there were no more active cases of leprosy.

That first trip there was a bit of a jarring experience but not uncomfortable… if that makes any sense. It didn’t take long to detect the warmth in these people and I was made to feel welcome from the first time I stepped on the premises. Over the ensuing months, I was a frequent visitor.

I learned a lot from people like John. Despite the enormous obstacles he faced, spending much of his life pushing himself around on a ground level platform, he always had a smile on his face. And even though neither of us understood a word the other said, we became friends just by spending time together.

Here is John’s life story that I posted several months ago.

The Daughters of Mary established the leprosy colony over 25 years ago. They built it with their own hands and with the help of local youths. They continue to support this community on a daily basis with free electricity, running water, medical aid, education and, from time to time, food. Cuts in government funding have severely hampered the efforts of the Sisters,who also operate a number of orphanages, homes for mentally ill women and an old age home.

 I continue to work with the Sisters to raise money to help them to achieve some level of sustainability. I plan to go back to Kannyakumari next January. There is an account set up at the East Coast Credit Union ( Bergengren ) called “Investment India.” You can also contribute by way of e-transfer at

Rest in peace, John.



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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on August 14, 2017 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment


“ So many books. So little time.”

Frank Zappa

Life is a balancing act. We’re always trying to find the ideal set of variables to give us a long, healthy and happy life. But so often, humans are a study in contradiction. We are prone to excesses and discipline is as elusive as the Loch Ness monster. We’re either eating too much or too little. We work too hard or not enough. We’re sleeping our lives away or trying to manage on 5 hours of sleep a night. We’re running marathons or have our arses stuck in a lazyboy chair.

When it comes to reading books, I have been a classic yo yo. Over my lifetime, I have read in fits and starts. I will read five books in a row, devouring every spare hour of the day in a form of escapism and/or enlightenment. And then, I won’t read for eight months. But on a recent trip to India, I rediscovered books and expect them to be my constant companion for the last third of my life. I just had my 66th. birthday so I have my eye on 99! ( Here is my thank you to all who sent well wishes: )

When I realized that I couldn’t get any English speaking television  channels in India ( other than Animal Planet !), I turned to books and I’ve been on a tear ever since. I have completely given up “the tube” and since last November, I have read 21 books.

True confessions. While I was a reasonably good student in high school, there were simply too many distractions at university to keep me focused on my studies. Can you say “wine, women and song?”  I spent a lot of time in the library but don’t be deceived. Most of the time was spent in the basement playing cards. That is where I learned to play bridge which might be the only tangible achievement in three years. My dual major was poker and hearts. Occasionally, I bemoan the fact that I didn’t pay more attention to the other floors in the library.

BTW. One class that I never missed was Father Rod MacSween’s . I took two courses from him and he was easily the best professor I had. He was brilliant and mischievous. There were always a few Sisters taking his course. Often he would get them to read a salacious passage or ask for an interpretation of something lewd!

So. What have I been reading? Fiction? Non fiction?It really doesn’t matter. Like Frank Zappa ( Mother’s of Invention ) said, there is so little time and so many books to read. Thus far, I have taken a scattershot approach. I’m reading anything and everything. Mark Twain, Pope Francis, Obama, Salman Rushdie, Kafka, Joseph Boyden, and Rohinton Mistry to name a few. I’ve also read the first two Harry Potter books so that I can talk about Muggles with my grandchildren.

Regarding Salman Rushdie. If you want to know what’s it’s like to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon, read “ Midnight’s Children.” It is a very tough read and many times, I thought of packing it in but I trudged on. There is no elation finishing a marathon. It’s more like relief that the pain is over. I’m not likely to read “ The Satanic Verses” unless I run out of reading material!

I guess I’m trying to complete my education in the twilight of my life. One thing that I did learn at university is that learning should be a lifelong pursuit.

Is it possible to read too many books? I don’t think so.

Have a great week.

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