Something to Ponder

Posted on December 3, 2017 under News & Updates with 2 comments

Cyclone Ockhi – Kannyakumari, India


How many of you are aware that there was a devastating cyclone in the Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu earlier this week?

Not many, just as one would imagine.

But if I asked you who was the latest politician or media darling in North America ousted for sexual misconduct, it would be on the tip of your tongue.

In the Kannyakumari District , where I spent 4 months of my life this past winter, lives were lost, homes and businesses destroyed. There are 1,000 fishermen still unaccounted for.

In “our world,” the lead up to hurricanes is almost theatrical and any loss of life garners massive media attention.

Meanwhile, half way around the world…

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Hot Lunch

Posted on December 1, 2017 under News & Updates with no comments yet

Mission Accomplished ( Almost )


If you haven’t read yesterday’s Thursday Tidbits, this picture and post won’t mean a thing. So, just take a minute and go to “Recent Posts”and read  it! Four adventurous souls stepped forward yesterday to join ” Team Len ” for the Hot Lunch program at St. James United Church. There are now 7 of us.One more by the end of the day today and we will have a full team.

Guaranteed laughs and a good feeling in the pit of your stomach. Message me if you want to join the squad.

When I look at the composition of the team, I expect to be the brunt of much good natured ribbing.

Happy Friday.

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