Book Launch

Posted on December 22, 2018 under News & Updates with no comments yet


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Thursday Tidbits

Posted on December 20, 2018 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet



One of the many joys of aging, besides creaking joints and crappy memory, is the ability to not sweat the small stuff. What would once drive you around the bend and cause sleepless nights now barely registers. The only thing that causes sleepless nights these days is the need to go pee.

Case in point. My book launch. Yes, you’re probably sick of hearing about this damn fourth book. When I saw the forecast early in the week, I had a hunch that my launch date on Tuesday the 18th would be scrubbed like a Cape Canaveral shuttle flight. Five years ago, this would have caused a mild degree (?) of consternation as the first book (or first baby) always comes with the most anticipation and drama.

Now, I have become leery of weather forecasts and chose not to postpone until I knew with a great deal of certainty that foul weather would prevail. Waking up Tuesday morning, the Environment Canada weather site had ominous warnings for a very messy day. I instantly decided to postpone the launch and put “plan B’ into place. In case you were off line the last few days, the event has been rescheduled to this Saturday, the 22nd at 3:00 p.m. at the Arts House (the former Visitor Information Center). My only urgent matter of business was to trundle over to Sobey’s at 7:00 a.m. and change the date for the treats I ordered.

Besides getting older, my time in India really helped me to learn how to roll with the punches and to “accept the things I cannot change”. I also thought about the late David Miller who always looked at a challenge as a new opportunity. Now, my big fear about this Saturday is that many of you will be heading to the beach with temperatures expected to be in the low teens.

Besides getting your hands on my fourth book, the first 20 people who make a purchase of a book will receive a complimentary copy of my son Peter’s excellent CD, “Phat’s Barber Shop.” It will also give you the opportunity to see the Arts House. I guarantee you that this facility is going to become another community hub.

Our youngest daughter turned 30 this week. All four of our children are now in their 30s. How did this happen? I told her that I hoped to be around for the next 30 years. That would make me 97, a bit of wishful thinking on my part. She expressed surprise at the rapidity of her first three decades on this planet. I told her that she will be shocked at how fast the next 30 will go.

I must admit that Netflix has become my prime source of entertainment. The constant bombardment of advertising on television seems to be getting worse. There is probably some great television out there but I think this medium has failed to live up to its expectations. Most of what I watch is light and entertaining. I still think Downton Abbey is one of the greatest things I’ve ever watched. The other day I stumbled upon a PBS documentary series on the Vietnam War. I was a teenager at the height of this conflict in the mid 60’s and actually knew some Vietnam vets who came to St.F.X. in the early 70s. It was evident that these young men were profoundly affected by the experience. After watching this series, I can see why. Man’s inhumanity to man still baffles me. So many millions of civilians have been killed in war. Unconscionable.

Take a deep breath. The rat race will be over in a few days and you can put up your feet up and enjoy some quiet time with family and friends.

Have a great weekend and hope you can make it Saturday at 3:00.




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Book Launch

Posted on December 18, 2018 under News & Updates with no comments yet


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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