Monday Morning Musings

Posted on May 5, 2019 under Monday Morning Musings with 4 comments

“Ask not for whom the bell tolls”
Sorry if this post doesn’t look normal. I’m doing it on my iPhone.
My trip has gone very well so far. I have two days of walking under my belt. It is more challenging than I thought but the countryside in Spain is simply spectacular.
I’m meeting people from all over the world and I’m collecting great stories for my book.
I walked the last 10k Saturday with a chap from Finland. We were having a beer at our hostel at the end of the day. Of course, I was asking a lot of questions. He looked at me and said, “In Finland, we are comfortable with silence.” No one ever told me to shut up so politely!
Yesterday, I was passing through Estella and heard the peel of bells for Sunday mass. Right next door to the church was a winery that had a spigot dispensing free red wine. I think that the winery drew a bigger crowd.
I am publishing this on Sunday as I’ll be on the road early tomorrow.
Have a great week.

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And….They’re Off

Posted on May 1, 2019 under News & Updates with 9 comments

Arrivederci, Baby


My quest for the next 30 days: Eat, Sleep and Walk.

It has been suggested (!) that I not to talk to strangers. However, there are walkers from all over the world doing the Camino so avoiding strangers is not possible. With plans of a fifth book, talking to strangers is essential.

Thanks to Billy Wallace for my catchy red man bag!

See you in June!


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