Posted on October 19, 2020 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment

“Country roads, take me home.
Do you ever feel like you’re caught in some kind of time warp?
I have written many posts on this subject before so you can go and check your Twitter feed, your Instagram account or feed the dog rather than waste precious moments of your life listening to me go on and on about the good old days. But I know you wont because you’re a sucker for nostalgia.
Everything old is new again.
I am still addicted to music from the 1960s and 1970s, so it comes as no surprise that I often listen to oldies while I’m baking or doing the dishes. My cable TV has several music stations, mercifully without ads.
On the weekend while I was puttering, I heard the song “Reflections of My Life” playing in the background. Surely you remember that 1969 one hit wonder by the Scottish band, Marmalade?
“The changing, of sunlight to moonlight, reflections of my life
Oh, how they fill my eyes.”
Nearly 50 years ago, I was single and a rookie teacher, moving to a northern community in Alberta for my first teaching gig. I had quite a bit more hair than I do today. I inherited a challenging class. I had been told by the principal that the previous year, this particular group of students had chewed up and spit out four home room teachers. Ah yes, the 8Bs. I’ll admit it wasn’t easy, but I can say with a great deal of satisfaction that I still keep in touch with a handful of those same students. Of course, being a neophyte, I didn’t have a sweet clue what I was doing but I hung in there long enough to be accepted by the students and the community.
One of my fondest memories from those days was performing music in the hallways. I was shocked to hear from my niece that this type of activity is no longer permitted in schools in Nova Scotia. Are educational theorists fearful that children might actually experience joy, along with Dylan and Joni Mitchell?
My lifelong friend, Dan, taught in a classroom kitty corner to mine. Every once in a while, when a change in atmosphere was required, we would grab our guitars and sit in the hallway playing tunes. The kids loved it and it gave us the energy we needed to get through another day. I also played a lot of sports in the north including hockey, basketball and badminton. And the occasional board game.
Fast forward to 2019. I am single, and a rookie teacher, moving to a northern community in Quebec for my first teaching gig in 40 years. I inherited a challenging class. During my interview for the position, I had been told that I would be teaching a difficult class. I’ll admit that it hasn’t been easy. Being a neophyte (for the second time), I didn’t have a sweet clue what I was doing but I hung in there and I’m back for a second year. I am learning what to teach but more importantly, I am discovering how to teach in a new era.
Last Friday was rainy, gray, and quite miserable. I keep my guitar in my classroom. It may well be the most important tool in my teaching tool kit. I had a free period. I decided to turn back the hands of time. I wandered down the hallway to the secondary side of the school during recess, guitar strapped to my back. I pulled up a chair and started to sing. As an elementary teacher, I am not often seen on the secondary side so there was a certain curiosity. I started with “Country Roads” by John Denver. This song is very well known up here. I moved on to “Hallelujah” by the other Leonard! Just about everyone in the free world knows the refrain. Next up was Raffi’s “Baby Beluga, a tune that I introduced to the younger children during summer camp where I was a volunteer. Because of the song’s subject, it is becoming a well -known tune in the school. I finished up with a song quite popular in the north called “Taanisi” by Twin Flames. It is a hybrid of Inuktitut and English. It was the first time that I tried singing in Inuktitut. I needn’t have worried about embarrassing myself because several students joined in. Give it a listen. It is a great song, and the photography is stunning. I had a great laugh when a student came by and dropped a quarter near my guitar!
As I was about to head back to my home room, I was asked to come into one of the secondary classrooms to sing one more tune which I happily obliged. I asked for requests and was a bit surprised that one young man suggested something from “the man in black”. I know a few Johnny Cash songs and luckily the one he wanted was one of the ones I knew – “Ring of Fire”.
As I meandered back down the hall (MDB!), I had this déjà vu of years gone by. A grin creased my face.
I played my first game of badminton the other night. The stiffness hasn’t left my body yet! I also played a board game with some colleagues last Friday evening.
Everything old is new again.
“I’m changing, arranging,
I’m changing everything, everything around me.” Reflections of My Life.
Have a great week.
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