Monday Morning Musings

Posted on October 18, 2021 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment


Out of the closet


“Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who is the fairest one of all?”

The Evil Queen

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Why would I be thinking about Snow White? Stay tuned dear reader for its not what you might think. We have already had a few light dustings of snow, but this piece has nothing to do with snow, or winter, for that matter.

I’m a closet junkie. “OMG, Len. We knew there had to be a rational explanation for your irrational act to go and teach in the north at the age of 68.”

No, no, no. I haven’t turned to hard drugs late in life.

It started innocently enough. In our school, we have a large room which was once a computer lab. It gradually turned into an electronics graveyard. Someone decided that the back of this room (it’s actually a separate room) would become our Covid room. The problem is that there was Covid material in several rooms in the school. I decided, once and for all, to consolidate all the masks, hand sanitizers, wipes, thermometers and gowns into one tidy space. I’m a bit of a neat freak. Just ask my children. After big family dinners, I could often be found cleaning off plates and organizing the dishes before the meal was over.

It took me a few days and the help of my colleague, Audrey, to get the room ship shape. This got me to thinking, which is dangerous. I knew that there were several other rooms in the school that needed a major housecleaning and reorganization.

“Mark my words, there’s trouble a brewin.”


When I first came up north to teach two years ago, I went to the school’s resource room looking for material. In large schools, there is one large resource room and a resource room teacher. Our school doesn’t have this luxury, so teaching aides and resources are stuffed into three oversized closets. The first time I went looking for something, I realized that these rooms had also become storage rooms for everything imaginable in the school. Things piled up over time and the rooms had become virtually unusable.

In a fit of insanity, I decided to tackle the largest of these rooms on the secondary side of the school.

“Sink’s empty. Hey, someone stole our dishes.”


No, Sneezy. No one in recent memory had gone into the resource room and magically tidied it up. I waded into a jungle and five days later I emerged unscathed other than a few serious paper cuts. (For something so innocuous, paper cuts hurt like hell. ed) Day one was spent clearing out all kinds of electronics, mostly old computer parts, keyboards, and a million miles of wires impossibly tangled. Houdini couldn’t have unraveled them. Of course, there was only one place to take them- to the computer graveyard once serving as a lab.

I am not going to waste your time describing every item I stumbled across once I had cleared a path and was able to tiptoe through (the tulips) the room. A few things stood out. Some of the textbooks were over thirty years old indicating the last time that this room may have had a serious inventory check. There were boxes and boxes of old slides, 8-tracks, VCR tapes, cassette tapes, DVD’s, an old overhead projector (and the plastic sheets that went with some of the lessons) and a few tape recorders. I was staring at the technology revolution of the past half century right in front of me.  I caressed one of the old cassette tapes and thought about the days when we used a pencil to rewind a tape when it got discombobulated. I know many of you did this. Or thinking about the 8-track playing in your car until a zombie attacked your prized Everly Brothers tape, ate it up and spit it out.

But the piece de resistance was an ancient reel to reel machine. Cue “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. I was immediately transported back more than 50 years when I remember, with absolute clarity, watching Snow White in the music room at our old high school.

“When hearts are high, the time will fly, so whistle while you work.”

Snow White

Several of the secondary students were following my progress and, from time to time, popped in to help me lift heavy boxes off high shelves. They had never seen a reel to reel before and were mesmerized by my accounts of ancient history. “Len, those movies were probably in black and white,” they said jokingly. You betcha. I’m not about to suggest that I started to whistle but this wave of nostalgia made the work a bit less cumbersome.

There were all sorts of old things that took me down memory lane but one box in particular, left me scratching my head. I had finally whittled down dozens of boxes so that I could actually catch a glimpse of the floor. And there, sitting in an oversized carboard box, was an engine. Now it should be made clear that we do not have an auto mechanics course at the school. After several inquiries, no one knew how this engine had come to occupy space in the resource room.

Besides getting the room organized, I was getting one hell of a workout with all the lifting, and moving things around, including relocating items to their rightful place in the school. By Friday, I discovered that there was an actual floor in the room and every single item was now either trashed or sitting on a shelf. We all know that feeling of satisfaction when you tackle a seemingly impossible task but, by just staying with it, the job eventually gets done. There’s nothing like a good purge.

“Look, our house! The lit’s light. The light’s lit.”


After a week of toil, the job was done.

I was feeling proud of myself, but I had another feeling that trumped everything. When I stared at the finished product, I realized, with the deepest of humility, that it would take me the rest of my life to read everything in that small room. Knowledge is so powerful and there’s just so damn much to learn.

The secondary math teacher is our “go to” guy in the school when it comes to technology. We are threatening to take the reel-to-reel machine down from the top shelf during our next professional development day and see if we can get it to work.

Maybe I’ll contact Disney and see if they can provide me with a copy of the original Snow White movie… in black and white, of course!

Have a great week.

P.S. At the end of each day, I went home dusty, dirty and smelly. I give the last word to Grumpy:

“I’d like to see anybody make me wash if I didn’t want to.”

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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Thursday Tidbits

Posted on October 14, 2021 under Thursday Tidbits with 2 comments



Thanksgiving Day bonfire with colleagues


The weeks are flying by… as they always do. I often see posts on Facebook with parents lamenting how fast their 5-year-olds are aging. Whoa. Have I got news for you. Just wait until you been kicking around the sod for 70 years.

Another Thanksgiving Day has come and gone. It was wonderful to see all the pictures on Facebook of family gatherings. I hosted a Thanksgiving potluck the day before the actual holiday. About 20 of my colleagues showed up on a brilliant, sunny afternoon. The day before and the day after were cold and rainy so the Thanksgiving gods weredefinitely on our side that day. We had a great feast and retired to the beach in front of my house. We built a nice bonfire, and I grabbed my guitar and played a few tunes.

Before going our separate ways, we made a circle around the fire and each of us said one thing for which we were thankful. It was a nice way to end a splendid afternoon. One of the youngest staff members opined that forming a circle every day in a show of thanksgiving would be a good idea. I agree, Emeraude.

Some of you wise people aren’t on Facebook so you missed a post of mine last Friday. We held a Truth and Reconciliation walk for the entire school. Afterwards we congregated at the Family House to have a snack and chat with some of the elders from the community. I was asked to remain, and I spent an hour playing music, listening to stories and sharing food and laughter. It will go down as one of the highlights of my time in the north, especially the warm hug I received from one of the elder women before leaving. These are amazing people. Wise, warm, witty, and resilient.

A few brave souls sat through one of my live Facebook concerts (Pillow Talk North) on Monday evening. Note to the host of the show: DO NOT eat a spicy marinated chicken pizza a half an hour before trying to sing. I realize that my audience is very forgiving and thankfully so because I had to burp a few times. As Lynn Anderson once sang, “I Never Promised You a Rose Garden”. It was fun chatting with friends from coast to coast. A few friends from Poland tuned in, albeit the next day with the 6- hour time difference. Unfortunately, the internet, which is normally very reliable, cut out halfway through the show, requiring me to tape two separate videos. If you happened to tune in late, you may have caught the second act first, never realizing that there was a first act. Honestly, you didn’t miss a whole lot. Just Len crooning and belching.

I don’t want you falling to the floor laughing but I have hired a personal trainer. “Len, I didn’t realize that there was a Goodlife Fitness center in Kangiqsujuaq.” There isn’t. One of our staff was a personal trainer down south and offered to work with me. With advancing age, I have found my muscles and joints seizing up more and more. I desperately need to increase my flexibility. Because I am a morning person, I do my exercises around 6:30. My goal is to be able to touch my toes by the time I’m 75!

I must say that I am getting a lot of exercise at the school. Besides my administrative duties, I have taken it upon myself to reorganize several storage rooms. Things have kind of piled up over the years and it was time for someone to purge, sort, and relabel things.

It’s hard to believe but yesterday we had to indicate our travel plans for Christmas. The Board arranges our flights and needs lots of lead time with the multitude of teacher from the south making their way across Canada for the holiday season. We all know that in the blink of an eye, the festive season will be here. While I love the north, getting a chance to go home and hang out with family and friends is a great gift.

Did it again. Seven hundred words about nothing.

Have a great weekend.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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Monday Morning Musings

Posted on October 11, 2021 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments

Thanksgiving bonfire singalong


Things for which I am thankful.

I am thankful to be a Canadian.

I am thankful for vaccines.

I am thankful for sunrises and sunsets.

I am thankful for rainbows and the Northern Lights.

I am thankful for having great colleagues at work.

I am thankful to be still working.

I am thankful for having good energy.

I am thankful to have access to food whenever I want it.

I am thankful to the Inuit of Kangiqsujuaq for accepting me in their village.

I am thankful for siblings.

I am thankful to my loyal Week45 readers.

I am thankful have all my senses still functioning… I think!

I am thankful to be from Nova Scotia.

I am thankful to come from one of the greatest small towns in Canada.

I am thankful for democracy.

I am thankful for rain when we need it.

I am thankful for people who go walking with me.

I am thankful for warm summer evenings.

I am thankful for having amazing parents who taught us what was important.

I am thankful for the gift of three incredible granddaughters.

I am thankful to my four children who are great citizens of the world.

I am thankful to have experienced the north.

I am thankful that I have been able to travel and see other parts of the world.

I am thankful for a warm place to live when it’s -53!

I am thankful for coffee in the morning.

I am thankful for warm chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk.

I am thankful for short walks and long ones too.

I am thankful to have experienced country food: caribou, beluga, arctic char, Canada goose brain and the eyeballs of a ptarmagin!

I am thankful for music in my life.

I am thankful to Betty for answering every question I pose about taxes, government websites and more. When in doubt, call Betty.

I am thankful for friends that I’ve made from every corner of the earth.

I am thankful to the creator of coconut cream pie.

I am thankful that I grew up close to the ocean.

I am thankful for a good night’s sleep.

I am thankful for lobsters… and scallops, mussels, fish and chips. Anything from the sea.

I am thankful for the gift of laughter.

Mostly, I am thankful to enjoy good health. I don’t take it for granted. It will desert me some day but until then, I plan to kick ass and live life to the fullest.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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