A New Venture

Posted on March 28, 2013 under Storytelling with one comment

As some of you know, I taught school in Alberta back in the 1970’s. Although I Ieft there in 1979, I have maintained contact with several people in that community. Not long ago I approached the local weekly paper in Fairview to see if they might be interested in a “foreign correspondent” ! To my great surprise they agreed . I will be writing a weekly story in the Fairview Post. The first was published yesterday. Many of them will be identical to the ones I have been submitting to The Casket and that appear on my blog. But I will also tailor some of the stories that reflect my time in the North Peace Country.

If you have nothing better to do this long weekend, check out their website at

www.fairviewpost.com. They publish a free e-edition of their paper and it usually appears on their home page on Thursdays. If you go to the home page, scroll down to the the very bottom left hand side of the page under “reader services” and click on e-edition. My first offering was a “local” story

I am still getting A LOT of feedback on the bathing suit story. Many people are surprised that Betty agreed to let it be published!

Just so you know, besides being my conscience, Betty edits all of my material. When I cross the line, she justs hits the back arrow!

We hope you all have a pleasant Easter weekend. I wrote a story at 4:30 this morning and hope to post it on the weekend.


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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