Posted on November 14, 2023 under News & Updates with no comments yet

“This gun’s for hire.” Bruce Springsteen.
Are you planning an office party or house party during the Christmas season? I would be happy to join you. From Merle Haggard, to Neil Young and The Beatles. Tunes you know and love. And yes, we can throw in Christmas Carols too! Private message me or drop me an e-mail at
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Posted on April 1, 2023 under News & Updates with 8 comments

Good morning.
This hasn’t been an easy decision to make but after 12 years and nearly 1400 stories, I have decided to retire from writing.
It’s getting harder and harder to come up with new, fresh material every week.
After my recent experience dog sitting on the west coast, I have decided to start a little dog sitting business. I found looking after Cooper to be relaxing and therapeutic and at this stage in my life, I think it’s time to slow down a bit.
I have enjoyed meeting so many of you and exchanging stories and a few laughs.
Thank you for your loyalty and best wishes to all of you.
Sorry. You can’t get rid of me this easily.
Happy April Fool’s Day!
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Posted on December 10, 2022 under News & Updates with 3 comments

There have been three suicides of students from our school in the past two weeks; two in the last 48 hours.
While I appreeciate all of the thoughts and prayers, expressions of grief, virtual hugs and support, I would implore you to take it a step further and read something about the north. Without historical context, people can’t possibly understand why these problems persist.
There are many excellent books written about the North. May I humbly suggest “the Right to be Cold” by Sheila Watt-Cloutier.

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