Posted on December 18, 2020 under News & Updates with no comments yet

I’m having a whale of a time trying to harpoon the elusive Arctic fruitcake. Thanks to my son Pete for braving the chilly waters of Ungava bay to take this photo. This is my last request for donations to the Christmas Dinner fund up here in Kangiqsujuaq. We’re just $75.00 shy of our $3,000 goal. The money will be used to provide a nice Christmas dinner to families who might not otherwise have one.
There are three ways to donate:
- Send me an e-transfer at
- Stop by the Bergengren Credit Union in Antigonish. I have an account set up there in my name.
- You can send me a cheque at Len MacDonald, C/O Arsaniq School, C.P. 160, Kangiqsujuaq, Quebec, J0M 1Ko
Many, many thanks to all of you who contributed to this effort. It is greatly appreciated.
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Posted on December 15, 2020 under News & Updates with no comments yet

Thanks to Pete MacDonald for following me out in the wilderness to take this photo
Yes, that’s me, hunting for a a few turkeys. We need a few more of these birds to help feed people in Kangiqsujuaq. There’s still time to donate to the Christmas Dinner Fund. Here are three ways to donate:
- The easiest way is to send me an e-transfer at
- Stop by the Credit Union in Antigonish and tell them you know a turkey in Northern Quebec! The account is in my name (Christmas Dinner Fund)
- The old fashioned way is to mail me a cheque at Len MacDonald C/O Arsaniq School, C.P. 160, Kangiqsujuaq, Quebec J0M 1Ko
Many thanks!!!
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Posted on October 21, 2020 under News & Updates with one comment
Morning has broken
For the past nine years, I have been posting stories twice a week at exactly 6:00 a.m. Atlantic time , regardless of where I’ve been in the world. Sadly the streak will end tomorrow. Now, don’t panic! I’m not packing it in but I must change the time to 7:00 a.m. Atlantic. It has to do with my almost non-existent internet connection in my apartment. In order to post my stories, I now have to go to the school at 5:00 a.m., often in my pajamas. That’s not so bad right now but in a few weeks when it goes to -30, this might be uncomfortable!
Sorry to upset your biorhythms but this is necessary.
Have a great Wednesday.
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