Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom (And Whimsy)
Posted on March 19, 2025 under Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom with no comments yet
“I want to be a paperback writer”!
How did I spend my March Break?
Do you remember when you were a kid and early into a new school year, your teacher would ask you to write a story about how you spent your summer holidays? I’m sure you do.
After an extremely busy couple of months substituting at school, I was looking forward to a bit of down time. I guess I don’t do “down time” too well. Part of this is my nature. I like projects. Also, I don’t want to waste a minute of what’s left of my life. Some recent sudden deaths , have shaken me to my core, making me more aware than ever, that I better keep my foot on the gas.
I have been pondering an autobiography for quite some time so when I saw a 10-day window, I decided to make this my Spring Break project. I set myself some goals for how much I would write every day and I’m happy to report that I have far exceeded that target. In other words, I’m on a roll. I have already churned out more than 28,000 words. More importantly, I’m having a blast. I’m doing this chronologically, so the first few chapters are reminisces from the 1950s and early 1960s. I’m leaning heavily on my siblings to fill in gaps in my memory. Because so many of us share a common background, my stories are your stories. Yesterday, I wound up the 1960s with Woodstock and a man on the moon.
During the break, I did something that I haven’t done in a very long time. I attended a hockey game. The St.F.X. women’s hockey team was playing a playoff game at home. In the winter, I have no inclination to bundle up in the dark and walk to a chilly rink in the evening but now that daylight savings time has arrived and it is bright out in early evening, I decided to go.
The Keating Millenium Centre was packed. It was a heart stopping game with the X-Women coming out on top of U.N.B. 2-1 to clinch the Atlantic title and punch their ticket to Nationals. There were several takeaways for me. Firstly, the caliber of the women’s game has improved in leaps and bounds over the years. The skill level and speed of play was dazzling. The second thing I noticed was that a significant part of the fan base was young girls, many of them students of mine from the Junior School. They are the next generation of university players and who knows, some of them might make it to the pros someday. Dream big!
The third thing I noticed was disconcerting but hardly surprising. There were quite a few university students in attendance and there was a clutch of them near me. Every time my head moved to watch the play go to the far end of the rink, I ended up looking at these students. Every one of them had their eyes glued to their phones. I mean, why bother going to the game. It’s just so ridiculous.
My final thought. During one of the intermissions as I went out to stretch, I bumped into Peggy and Leo Gallant. Peggy was a trailblazer for women’s sports for decades and you could see the pride on her face as she watched a packed arena, watching highly skilled young women play hockey.
It was a thoroughly entertaining evening, and I was very grateful that the game didn’t go into overtime as my heart was already beating too rapidly… and it was getting way beyond my bedtime!
Like almost everyone else on the planet, with the exception of Trump supporters, I remain disconsolate and enraged at what I’m witnessing south of the border. It is incomprehensible how one man can highjack the world. He is bringing untold hardship to so many people and his actions have the potential to create a worldwide recession. I believe that he has raised anxiety levels to the point where people are afraid, depressed and incredibly angry and outraged. Like so many others, I will never travel to the United States as long as Trump is president. I will also be judicious in my purchases and choose “Canada only” products.
Thumbs down. Elbows up.
Have a great weekend.