Friday Odds and Ends

Posted on June 14, 2013 under Storytelling with no comments yet

Today is day 7 of my 30 day challenge to kick the sugar habit and I am happy to report that I have managed to stay away from the sweets. I have also incrementally increased  the amount of exercise I am getting so I should start seeing some results on the scale. It certainly takes dedication and willpower but the health benefits are what this is all about. There is an ad running on television these days which indicates that many seniors spend the last 10 years of their life battling a variety of illnesses. I don’t know about you but I focus more on the quality of my life in the next 24 hours and tend not to worry too much about the future. Hopefully, one will look after the other.

Father’s Day conveniently coincides with the last round of the U.S. Open golf tournament. Doesn’t get much better than this if you enjoy golf. Earlier this week, I spent a few days in the Halifax/Dartmouth area and took a stroll down memory lane ( literally ) as I followed my son around the Brightwood golf course. I played in tournaments there back in the ’60’s and’70’s. It’s probably my age, but the course seems hillier than it was 40 years ago!

I continue to get feedback from ex-Antigonishers who are living in various parts of the world. I suspect you already know this but we have had a pretty mediocre spring. However, when you compare this to the severe flooding and wild fires in other parts of the world, we really don’t have much to complain about.

Have any of you seen a 3-D printer in action? I took a trip to the library the other day and watched it in action. The staff at the library tell me that the practical application of this new technology will eventually revolutionize the planet. For example, a farmer who lives in a remote area will have the capacity to manufacture a part for his tractor… on the spot!

We have enjoyed the company of our daughter and granddaughter all week. As you get older, you realize that this is what life is all about.

Ok. I will have a new story posted tomorrow. Have a good Friday and a great weekend. I hope to have an update on my book next week.

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Highland Hearing Clinic

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