Monday Morning Musings

Posted on April 11, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with 4 comments

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“ No. no, no it ain’t me babe

It ain’t me you’re looking for.”

Bob Dylan

Here are my observations about dogs after dog sitting for almost one week: dogs are always happy to see you… especially at meal time; they love to go for walks and sniff things; they love to be patted on the head and told how good they look, and…. they are “babe magnets.” ( I know I’ll get in trouble for saying this! ). I always wondered why guys walked their dogs. Wonder no longer. Oslo attracts the women, young and old. I wish I were so lucky!!!

I am on day 11 of my 30 day “ CNN and Donald Trump” cleanse and I’m happy to report that it is going very well. I no longer have to endure “Breaking News,” buffoons or banalities, and the endless array of talking heads.

If you love the outdoors, Victoria is as close to heaven as you can get. The climate is great most of the year. It is a city of walkers, joggers, bikers, skateboarders, and hikers. It seems like everybody is out doing something. And it is a gardener’s paradise. Unlike the Maritimes where Spring is often elusive, Victoria has a real Spring. The smell of flowers and fresh mown grass is what strikes you most coming from the East at this time of the year.

I watched A LOT of golf on the weekend! While I no longer play golf, there is nothing that I like better than watching The Masters.

This week’s “Faces in the Crowd” is about love, longevity and commitment. Check it out on Thursday.

Have a great week.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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