Monday Morning Musings

Posted on August 29, 2016 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

The Harvest

The Harvest


Fall is in the air.

For the first time in months, the temperature registered in the single digits for our morning walk yesterday , announcing the imminent arrival of Fall. For some, this is a very depressing thought but for many, it is the best time of the year. Most importantly, September brings structure back into our lives after a summer of countless barbeques, cold beer , ice cream cones , visitors and late nights.

September brings some semblance of normalcy, but not before we enjoy “the Fall Fair” where we get a chance to see our agricultural community display the best in all they do. The midway rekindles days of our youth and we relive it through the eyes of our children and grandchildren. We might even risk a cavity or two by trying cotton candy or candy apples.

School lunches will make their unwelcome return for many parents. It’s not so bad during the first few weeks of school when children are reconnecting with old friends and getting into the swing of things but as the year wears on, you sometimes wonder if the young ones will eat anything that you put in their lunch kits.

Because we live in a university town, our population will nearly double in the next few weeks. We will take the good with the bad. .. the good – Shinerama , where the students will be out in force raising money for Cystic Fibrosis. You have to love their energy and enthusiasm.  The bad- there will be a lot of very late and loud parties, going late into the night, testing the patience of the citizenry of the town and its noise by-law.

Farmer’s markets will be awash with the fruits of the harvest. The displays of fresh fruits and vegetables is always a highlight at this time of the year.

The days will be shorter and cooler but once we regain some semblance of a routine, all will seem right with the world.

Summer is so precious and oh so fleeting, especially as the years pile up. In the winter, we pine for the warm days and they are here and gone before you know it.

Let us not lament the passing of summer but embrace the joy of the Fall which is ready to welcome us in the next few weeks.

And let us not forget that we have one last fling this weekend with Labor Day next Monday.

Have a great week.

P.S. What goes on at the “Cubby Hole”, stays at the “Cubby Hole” !!!

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