Monday Morning Musings

Posted on October 14, 2013 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment

Happy Thanksgiving Day. If you and your family are well, you have much to be thankful for.

My book is in the hands of the printer and I will have copies in my possession within the next week or so. If you live in the area, you can get one directly from me. I am working out the logistics of an e-book for those of you who live abroad. The books will also be available at the 5 to $1.00. If you go to the book tab, it will show the places and dates where I will be doing readings to support the launch of the book.

As promised, my story on the old Goodman store will appear tomorrow. It’s called “The Shape of Business.” While the pneumatic air tube system no longer exists in these parts, I am told by friends in Scotland that the technology is alive and well in some old stores over there. Many of us lament the passing of these wonderful old stores with their uneven floors and even tempered staff. Sorry. But they just don’t make many of them like this any more. Even I liked going to Margolians in Truro.

And speaking about stores, don’t you just love when there’s a sale? Not for me. It means that there will be crowds and wild eyed shoppers. A friend from Newfoundland was at a 30% sale not long ago. God love the young girl at the cash who wouldn’t know a percent from a unicorn. And I quote… ” Everything here is 30% off so you would get this $12.00 hat for, like, $6.00.”

I was thinking about the notion of retirement the other day ( not for me personally… just the notion! ). When I saw that Alice Munroe recently won a Nobel Prize for writing, I thought I would add this to my growing list of retirement strategies along with 649 tickets and Roll up the Rim.

I have a story coming up that just might be my favorite so far. I can’t tell you too much without spoiling it. I saw something on Facebook the other day. It was a word I had never seen before about a certain body part. The moment I saw it, the story crystallized. I can’t even alert you to the title nor will I put a picture with it when I publish it. Hint: it has to do with “sex education.”

Have a relaxing day.


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