Monday Morning Musings

Posted on January 8, 2018 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments

Ubiquitous storm chips


Some of you who read my column religiously are not Facebook users. Facebook users: almost sounds like an addiction!? Last Thursday, I posted a cheeky piece about the hype surrounding storms. I wasn’t overtly criticizing weather forecasting but merely pointing out that all news, even when it’s weather, is so filled with drama. I mean, is every piece of news “Breaking News?” It seems that every time a ‘nor easter is brewing; it is being touted as “the storm of the century.” I have a theory on this.


I believe that “storm hysteria” is created by the potato chip industry that have a vested interest in bad weather news now that “storm chips” have become as essential as water, candles and matches in one’s storm prep. I haven’t checked but I’m guessing that with some digging, you might find out that a potato chip company is the major sponsor of The Weather Network!

My post touched off a mild frenzy with readers weighing in on storms, storm procedures and storm food. While I wasn’t pointing any fingers, it seems that school closures are a source of angst for many people.

So here goes. A few thoughts on school closures.

First of all, full disclosure. I can claim the following: I was a school aged student once; I was a parent of four young children who attended school; I was a school teacher; I was a school principal and was a member of the school board. And now, I’m a grandparent of  school aged children… the best role in the education chain.  I think it is safe to say that I understand all sides of the debate. I even learned to drive a school bus in rural Northern Alberta (as a spare driver).

So, let’s start off with all the nostalgia stuff. I bumped into a retired school principal who reminded me that school was never called off back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. There were town schools and there were county schools in the days before that charming architectural structure, the J.H. Gillis Regional School was erected.

Those children in the town, who cared to wade through waist high snow drifts, could go to school. (Parent’s decision). Invariably, they would be met by a very small number of their peers. Of course, it turned into a fun day. In the county, it was ultimately the decision of each individual (parent, teacher, bus driver) as to whether they would try and get to school. Most times, nobody was able to make it to the county schools rendering cancellation a moot point. When I taught in the Peace River country, buses were not allowed to run once the temp got to -40. Of course, the motors wouldn’t turn over at that temp… another obvious redundancy.

Many of the comments I received were from people close to my age who remember storm days fondly. Many people had wood stoves so keeping warm and cooking weren’t problematic. Candles were lit. Books were read and you might also get trounced in cards by granny!

I wouldn’t dare try to comment on the dicey and oft times emotional debate on school closures in 2018. The dynamics at homes and in schools have changed so radically that trying to make any comparison, between “then” and “now” would be ludicrous.

Think I’ll grab a bowl of chips.

Do you have a sense of humour? Would you like to become rich and famous?

I am in the throes of writing my India book. I need a title… something unique and catchy. Please private message me or send me an e-mail with your suggestion. If I choose your title (drum roll….), I will acknowledge it on the inside cover of the book, assuring your immortality. You will also receive an autographed copy of the first book off the presses. You’ve heard the expression “Go west, young man”? My daughter suggested that I call the book “Go east old man.”

“Silence and smiles are two powerful tools. A smile is a way to solve many problems and silence is a way to avoid them.” ( Unknown )

Have a great week.

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