Monday Morning Musings

Posted on August 27, 2018 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

“Farewell to Nova Scotia, the seabound coast”


“All things come to he who waits.”

Violet Fane

If patience is a virtue, then area skateboarders must be among the most patient people in history. A skateboard park has been the dream of this collective for decades. They have lobbied and fundraised and have been thwarted in their numerous attempts to find safe, accessible skateboard park somewhere within the confines of the town of Antigonish.

An announcement last Friday that a consortium of players would make the dream of a first class skateboard park a reality, has brought large smiles to the faces of the Antigonish Skate Park Collective. A piece of land adjacent to the old Municipal Building on West Street will be leased by St.F.X. to the group sponsoring the project. Fundraising for this initiative is underway. One hopes that the skateboarders haven’t grown too old waiting for this facility to actually get to use it themselves!

I am thinking of entering the contortionist competition at the Eastern Nova Scotia Exhibition which starts in a few days’ time. Don’t go looking for this in the schedule. I just made this up. My continuing attempts to deal with chronic pain, have led me to the doors of an osteopath. While his intentions are honorable, he seems bent on disconnecting my head from my torso. I have seen Brett “Hitman” Hart use hammerlocks and other nefarious moves to disable his opponent that blushes in comparison. I’m only kidding, of course. I keep chanting the mantra “no pain, no gain” in my attempts to manage pain.

I witnessed a lot of compassion last week. I attended the memorial service for the late Sarah Mulcahy at the new CACL/Legion complex. It was a beautiful evening and may serve as a model for other tributes. Many family, friends and colleagues eulogized Sarah. In attendance were several members of the staff from the RK MacDonald Nursing Home who provided care in Sarah’s final years.

I know that I’ve written about this before but going to the RK twice a week to do music has been an enlightening experience. I have realized that literally any one of us, regardless of age or current health, could end up in a care facility in the blink of an eye. None of the residents of the RK chose to get old and in fact, several of them are not old. I continue to be impressed with every person who works in the facility. Their jobs are not easy yet most of them have a passion for caring.

If you missed last week’s post, I’m trying to raise $5,000 to send to India for the victims of the flood in Kerala, the state next door to Tamil Nadu where I spent four months last year. A million people have been displaced and they desperately need food, clothing and shelter.  If you want to help, there is an account ( Investment India) in my name at the Bergengren Credit Union. I can also accept e-transfers at

As Wednesday is a travel day, don’t panic if you don’t see a post Thursday morning. But you will be deluged with travel stories over the next few weeks as Pete and I make our way across Canada from Victoria to Halifax.

Have a great week.

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