Monday Morning Musings

Posted on December 23, 2013 under Storytelling with no comments yet

Most of us are incredibly lucky. At least , that’s how I see it. By accident of birth, we live in a part of the world that is safe. We rarely get the severe storms that certain parts of the world seem to endure on a regular basis. We are not beset by war and the turmoil that we witness daily throughout the world. And most of us were born with good health. But not all.

I want to share my vision , if you will take a few moments from this busy time of the year to read this.

While most of what I am doing with my writing is pure, unadulterated fun, I do have a dream that has a more serious tone.

And it has to do with feeding the hungry.

There are a lot of people in our community who are not as fortunate as us. By accident of birth, once again, they have grown up in very different circumstances.  For whatever reason, many people are hungry on a daily basis. And I would like to help in a small way to assist these people.

Through the sale of my book, public speaking engagements and as a columnist, my goal is to be able to provide a hot meal for those who need it, on a weekly basis. I am aware that a local church group already does this and I am told that they serve anywhere between 40-70 people every week. At last count, there were seven days in the week and I believe the need is there every day of the week.

This is going to take time. Being a marathon runner, I understand incrementalism. You don’t just get up one day and go out and run a marathon. You have to start small and build up over time. And you have to stick with it. I don’t expect my vision to come to fruition overnight. But with your help, I believe we can do this.

How can you help? Traffic!  I need to get more people reading my material so asking your friends and family to go to my website is the first step.  I still haven’t quite figured out Twitter yet ( my New Year’s resolution! ), but I am on Facebook and LinkedIn too.

I will keep you posted in the months to come. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful Christmas and if you are like me, take a moment to ponder your good fortune and be grateful.


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Highland Hearing Clinic

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