Monday Morning Musings

Posted on February 10, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Wow! What a magnificent weekend. Cold, sunny days with not a cloud  in the sky. Over the years, I have become more and more appreciative of sunrises and sunsets. On Saturday, I was out for a walk with my former running partner, Charlene, her husband, Ben and their dog, Bailey. We witnessed a sunrise that was beyond description. A flaming golden orb came up over the horizon with the rays hitting the white snow  , producing an image that was absolutely stunning. As many of us who take amateurish photos with our cell phones  know, they never do justice.

I received lots of feedback from my story “Band on The Run” which was published on Saturday. A lot of locals remembered the bands The Escorts and The Strangers. No surprise that we were  both playing Beatles tunes during that time, as we celebrate the 50th. anniversary of the “Fab Four” coming to America.

I would like to give a special welcome to those of you from across Canada who recently signed on to my Week45 Facebook page.

I had a lot of fun on the weekend writing a story about an apartment that I lived in back in the 1970’s. You would hate to admit it publically, but at one time or another, you probably lived in a dumpy apartment or shared a house with a bunch of friends that made “Animal House” look like the Taj Mahal. The apartment building in which I lived in Victoria, B.C. was simply put, a dive. It’s primary attraction was price. I paid $85. a month. Besides a roof over my head, the added bonus was that I lived with the oddest assortment of humanity. Coming up soon, The Bongo Pad.

I am a big fan of lifelong learning. I am currently taking two courses on “social media” as I try and unravel the mysteries of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Having said that, I am not much when it comes to trivia. I was never great at Trivial Pursuit and when I go to trivia night at the pub in Florida, I sit there most times like a bump on a log. Back in the late ’60’s I was part of the high school team that took part in Reach For The Top. It was a television series pitting high schools across the province against each other for trivia supremacy. My performance was less than stellar as you will find out in “Reach For The Bottom.”

I still plan to publish a story on the joys of being a glasses wearer for nearly sixty years. I tried contacts once and had corrective eye surgery which didn’t work out, so I’m still stuck with my lifelong friends. Look for “Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory” coming in the next week or so.

And don’t forget, it’s Valentine’s day this Friday. Surprise your loved ones with a copy of my book. I will inscribe it with sweet nothings and will make a VD special offer: 2 books for $25 ( regular price $15. each ). You need to get them from me.

Have a great week.

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