Monday Morning Musings

Posted on December 30, 2019 under Storytelling with 3 comments

We’re about to close the books on another year. Like every year, there were highs and lows for all of us. Some years are better than others. Some years are worse, and some are downright awful.

While reflection and introspection play a pivotal role in end of the year discussions, the future is high on the list too.

Most of us have thoughts and dreams about what 2020 will bring. This includes some dubious “resolutions”. We promise to eat less and exercise more. This flight of fancy typically disappears around January 15th.

After the orgy of Christmas we vow to spend less. This is hardly a stretch as it will take us till March or April to pay off the bills amassed during the festive season. I might be the exception. I don’t consider myself a curmudgeon but I have much more fun raising money than spending it at this point in my life.

The list of resolutions is endless and ,while well intentioned, usually ends up in the recycling bin. We easily fall back into familiar patterns.

I have a few goals for the New Year.

I want to try and better understand the plight of our indigenous people. I am presently getting a hands on education teaching in Northern Quebec. I thought I knew quite a bit about the North but reading books, listening to speakers and watching videos is not the same as an immersion course. It’s far too early for me to draw any sensible conclusions. All I know is that the situation up North is very complicated. I love the people and the landscape but it is a far cry from the Canada that I know.

More than anything, I want to stay healthy. With good health, anything is possible.

I want to thank my loyal readers who inspire me to keep writing.

Here’s hoping that the year ahead is a good one for each and everyone of you.





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Tri Mac Toyota!

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