Monday Morning Musings

Posted on May 5, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Breakfast of Champions – Chocolates and red wine



A week ago today ( Monday ), I received a gift basket at 9:00 a.m. at the office which was highly unusual for two reasons: I rarely receive gift baskets and how in the name of god does someone arrange for a 9:00 delivery on a Monday morning…. by courier,  from Halifax? The basket was full of high quality chocolates, a bag of Colombian coffee and a lovely bottle of red wine. What is a fella to do?

Well, we held an impromptu staff meeting at 9:01 and set to the task at hand. I sent the following e-mail to the sender: “ It was very thoughtful ( and dangerous! ) to send us chocolates and wine the first thing on Monday morning. The chocolates are already in peril and we will hold off on the wine until at least noon.”  It was a very pleasant surprise.

Maybe you can surprise someone today with a nice gesture. It doesn’t have to be as elaborate at the one we received.

I helped out at a used book sale on the weekend. This was a fundraiser for the Friends of Antigonish Library. ( FOAL ). I was astonished at the large volume of books that were dropped off on Friday at the St.James United Church to be sorted, and equally astonished at the turnout for the sale on Saturday. I was really pleased to see the number of families who showed up. It’s great to know that young people are still reading books.

I also attended my granddaughter’s second birthday on Saturday. There were oodles of small children and it was a lively and colorful affair. Lots of great food. Thankfully Lent is over and I’m back on the sweets with reckless abandon.

The Cape Breton Star launched last week and has received a lot of favorable feedback. I posted a picture of the former toll booth at the Causeway on Facebook last Friday . Can someone explain the picture phenomenon on Facebook? I put a two sentence comment and received hundreds of views. The very next day, I posted one of my stories with a different picture of the Causeway ( the day that it was being dismantled ) and received half as many views. I guess my stories are only half as compelling as the pictures I post!

Someone at work was asking me what I thought about pre-arranged funerals the other day. I do quite a bit of estate planning in my day job. Later that same day I saw a notice on Facebook from 98.9 Nothing But Hits. Apparently someone had lost a sum of money AT A FUNERAL HOME. These two seemingly unconnected pieces of information got me to thinking about my own mortality and what I might leave to my heirs when “I have slipped the surly bonds of earth.” “ Coming soon at Week45, “ I Bequeath You.” I think you’re going to like this one.

Have a great week.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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