Monday Morning Musings

Posted on November 17, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with one comment

Book launch - Gypsy Souls

Florida Book Launch ( click to enlarge )



As some of you know, I did a book launch last week, while on vacation in Florida. It was at this funky coffee shop ( I’m dating myself with this language! ) and was very well attended. Truth be told, there wasn’t an empty seat. My friends at the resort where we stay, really got in the spirit of things and wore their Halloween costumes to the event. They paraded up Gulf Boulevard, a distance of about a half a kilometer to the  honking of car horns. I did three stories and finished things up with guitar in hand with the Proclaimers tune “I’m going to be ( 500 miles ) “

Now, while I was pleased with the turnout and even with the fact that I sold quite a few books, it was a chance encounter with a woman from St. Louis that really made my day. Earlier that morning while finalizing plans at the coffee shop, I met these two senior citizens who were in for their morning coffee. I invited them to the launch and, lo and behold, they were the first two people to show up. Must have been my offer of free coffee and banana bread,  which I provided to all guests.

One of the women confided in me that her friend’s husband was dying and that she had made arrangements for respite to come for the launch. She sat just off to my right and she spent the entire hour with the biggest smile on her face. She gave me a big hug at the end of the show and told me that I had made her day. This was the highlight of my trip, hands down.

Those of you who have taken long road trips know that there is a McDonald’s restaurant about every half mile. We went to a lot of them to get a coffee and access their wireless internet. Two quick stories. In Northern Florida yesterday we stopped for a coffee. I was itching for a muffin. Here’s how the conversation went: (me) “ Do you have any fresh muffins?” ( young clerk ) “Yes. We have Egg McMuffins. “ (me ). No, I mean a muffin. Would you have any carrot muffins?” She looked puzzled. ( yc ): “We have Egg McMuffins and Sausage McMuffins.” (me) “ Do you know what a muffin is?” She looked around in complete bewilderment. She had no idea what a muffin was.

Yesterday we stopped at a McDonald’s in Virginia. It was very cold out. Having been in the car for 6 hours ( other than gas stops ), we decided to eat outside at one of their outdoor tables to get some fresh air. As we huddled together, an older female staff person poked her head out and said, “ Is he holding you against your will out in the cold?” We all had a good laugh. ( They didn’t have muffins either!. )

I have a good story tomorrow. My two brothers were also visiting in Florida at our resort. They decided to do a road race and I was their chauffeur, coach and cheerleader. Must have worked as both of them won their divisions. Don accomplished something that I’ve never seen in a race before. Coming right up, “The Honeymoon is Over.”

Not sure what happened on Saturday. I posted a story that is new and one of my favorites. I read it at the Florida launch and had people in stitches. Were you all out shovelling snow, or what? If you didn’t read it, go back and take a peek. It’s called “We Do It All For You.” I’m sure you’re aware of the use of the “royal we.” This is a lighthearted story about how husbands and wives interpret the use of “we.”

If the weather cooperates we’ll be home sometime Tuesday.

Hope you have a great week.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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