Monday Morning Musings

Posted on December 15, 2014 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Deck the hall



Christmas decorations run the full gamut from minimalist ( a charitable term for our effort! ) to completely and utterly over the top. I must say that the simple expressions of the season have the greatest impact on me. I saw this display outside the door of an apartment in my mother’s building. I thought it understated and tasteful.

Yeah, yeah, I know you have been breathlessly waiting to read the story about our pathetic outdoor Christmas decorating job. Well, wait no longer for you will get your first seasonal wish with the publication of “Deck Orations” tomorrow. It took me exactly 25 minutes to decorate our front deck and that included a bathroom break and a phone call.

For those of you who get my stories by e-mail, I invite you to actually go to my website now and then.  I have put a fresh look to the home page and have some new testimonials.… just in case you’ve forgotten the address!

It was kind of ironic last week when I was going on about the new 10 digit phone nonsense that we’ve been subjected to. Bad enough to dial 10 numbers but when I put my own number to contact me for books,  I added injury to insult by having 11 numbers. Some of you actually called me and ordered books. Thanks a lot. By the way, as things pick up steam, I wanted to let you know that I will deliver books to your home before Christmas if that will make your life easier.

Surely you all remember the song “The Wheels on the Bus.” As you may know, there is a new transit system in the town and county of Antigonish.   The good news is that this is a terrific low cost service for all citizens who cannot or prefer not to drive. The bad news is that it is currently underutilized and if the community doesn’t use it, they’ll lose it. Last Friday, I decided to try it out. I got on at the top of Hawthorne Street and drove the entire route. For the princely sum of $2.00 you can travel all day. ( this is the cost for the town route )  As much as I love walking , there will be days when having the option of a bus will be very attractive. Why not check it out.

Show of hands. How many of you ever listened to an NHL hockey game on the radio on a cold winter’s night with Foster Hewitt or Danny Gallivan calling the action? The recent death of Jean Beliveau whisked me back to an earlier era when watching a hockey game on a Saturday night was almost as important as Sunday mass. Surely you remember adjusting the rabbit ears to try and get a grainy black and white picture on the old RCA.  Looking for a pure nostalgia piece? “When We Were Young” should do the trick. Coming soon.

Have a great week.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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