Monday Morning Musings

Posted on March 30, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


A jewel on the Main



Some businesses go out of their way to ”put their best foot forward.” This window display at Cameron’s Jewellers just makes a person want to go in and shop. Kudos to Donna Macpherson for this beautiful creation.

Yup. It’s official. This has been the winter from hell. I managed to fall on the ice for the fourth time yesterday after shoveling for a couple of hours. The combination of fluffy snow and a big ass,  prevented me from injuring anything except my pride. I would like to propose a motion that winter officially end. Any seconders?

I was one of the lucky 580 or so people who enjoyed a beautiful lobster dinner at St. James on Friday. These folks know how to put on a lobster dinner. The food was awesome, the service excellent and the volunteers couldn’t have been nicer.

I got around to writing a new story this weekend. It’s called “Paperback Writer.” I can already imagine that this will cause an earworm with at least one person today, humming this old Beatles classic. It’s the story of someone who gets locked in a bookstore midday while an inattentive clerk leaves for lunch and locks the door from the outside. Of course, I have taken great liberties to embellish this true story. I got to thinking after I wrote this: I wonder what would happen if I got locked inside a grocery store over night? Or, how about the liquor store?

I was telling you a few days ago that I was going to publish the story about the bagpiper who plays at a committal ceremony for a homeless person. I confessed up front that this was not an original story. I can’t for the life of me find out who wrote the original. I think I will publish it anyways with a disclaimer. It’s a funny story and,  after the latest snowfall, I think we could all use a laugh. The story is called “The Pipes Are Calling.”

Later this week, Wednesday actually, I will be publishing the story about a train trip from Antigonish to Montreal in March of 1971. It happened during the “storm of the century” in Montreal. It coincided with the marriage of Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair. ( two storms of the century,  one might suggest! ). The story is called “The Habs and the Hab Nots.” And, no, you Leaf fans, it’s not a story about the Montreal Canadiens so put your prejudices aside and read it. It’s a pure nostalgia piece for those of us who took the train back in the glory days. I’m sure most of us over 60 have a train story.

As some of you know, the Chamber of Commerce is having its annual president’s dinner on Thursday, April 9th. The guest speaker is well known CBC investigative journalist and author, Linden MacIntyre. If you are going, you might want to get your tickets early. This could be a sell out. And yours truly will be the MC so I’ll have a bit of fun.

Just a friendly reminder. The fundraising campaign sponsored by Friends of Antigonish Library ( FOAL ) is wrapping up soon. If you want to make a donation, pop into People’s Place library with a cheque made out to Pictou Antigonish Regional Library. This will ensure that you get a receipt for tax purposes. Or, if you are still snowed in ( a distinct possibility ), go to and make your donation on line. Go to the “donate” button at the top right hand of the page.  Thanks.

Almost done so that you can rush off to work! I will have a table at Saltscapes this year ( April 24/25/26 ). I will be selling books and might ask you to tell your friends to drop by and see me.

Have a great Easter week.

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