Monday Morning Musings

Posted on April 13, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Linden, Len and Betty discussing politics and religion , no doubt!

( Jean Pearcey photo )



“On the road again, I can’t wait to get on the road again.” Willie Nelson

Yes. Pete and I are back at it again. We’ll be rolling through Wyoming and South Dakota today on our way to Madison Wisconsin, Chicago, and  Detroit,  crossing in to Canada at Windsor and on to the Maritimes. Pete has a gig in Stewiacke on Friday night so we won’t be stopping for any sightseeing tours. It’s definitely “pedal to the metal” time.

I flew out to Vancouver last Friday and early Saturday morning we were off and running crossing the border into the United States at 9:00 a.m.

Last week is a bit of a blur. Let me rephrase that. Life is a blur. I haven’t found out yet how to slow down the train. Have you? Our big news is that we sold our house. It took time ( the better part of three years ) and patience but last Tuesday we got the call from our realtor. By the end of May, right around the time my mom turns 90, we should be passing over the keys. And that’s it. No more home ownership for us. Moving to a 2 bedroom apartment is not everybody’s cup of tea but we are thrilled with a major downsizing.

Last Thursday, I had the honor of being the Emcee at the 2015 Antigonish Chamber of Commerce President’s Dinner.  I had the opportunity to spend most of the evening with our  guest speaker, CBC investigative journalist and author, Linden MacIntyre. For 24 years, Linden worked on the CBC program “The Fifth Estate.” He travelled the world and met presidents, prime ministers and criminals.( some commonalities? ) What impressed me the most was that he hasn’t forgotten where he came from: Judique. He has maintained his humility and is not big on his “celebrity” status. Actually, he doesn’t have much use for people with inflated egos. He delighted a record turnout of some 170 people. I had a lot of fun and it was a great experience. Sitting and talking with Linden throughout dinner was just like talking with one of my old friends from St.F.X. days.

There was a big announcement last week. One of the teams for the Hot Meal at St.James Church is Bergengren Credit Union. When they came on board last fall, Carolyn Grant told me about a grant program through one of their partners in business, Concentra Financial. She decided to apply for money for the Hot Meal program and last week , Bergengren was informed that Concentra would be contributing $10,000 to the Hot Meal program. All of us associated with the program were both speechless and elated. This will feed a lot of hungry people. We are hoping to get a representative from Concentra to come to one of our Hot Meals to put on an apron to see where their money is going.

Sometimes, you just have to do crazy things. Not sure if it’s called spontaneity or sheer madness but yesterday, I rented a hotel room twice in one day in two different cities. Wha? Yup. It was the final round at The Masters golf tournament and Peter and I are keen golf fans. We put in a good five hours on the road then pulled into Billings, Montana. In the space of 20 minutes, we got an oil change, ordered Asian takeout and rented a hotel room for 6 hours in order to watch our favorite sports event. We watched Jordan Speith win the tournament and 5 hours later, we were on our way… to our second hotel of the day, in Sheridan, Wyoming. Passed the Battlefield of Little Bighorn. General Custer was nowhere to be found.

I was sitting beside a young lady on the Ottawa to Vancouver leg of my flight on Friday. She was going out for a job interview. As many of you know, Ottawa , in the dead of winter, is almost as cold as Siberia so I can understand why she wants to relocate to a balmy climate. She said she likes rain. I said that she will absolutely love Vancouver from December to March when it rains ( heavily ), just about every day.

Almost done. On Wednesday, I will be doing one of my “living tributes.” Once or twice a year, I like to shine the spotlight on someone that I think is special and makes a significant contribution to the community. I can’t give you the title or else you will figure it out.

Hope you have a terrific week.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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