Monday Morning Musings

Posted on April 27, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet


Me and Annie



Do you remember when you were a kid returning to school in September? One of the first things your teacher did was ask you to write an essay called “ What I did on my summer vacation?”

Well, I am going to try something similar and answer the question, “What did I learn at the Saltscapes Expo this past weekend?”

I’m not sure where to start. First of all, it was amazing to be part of the Antigonish contingent as an exhibitor. Several businesses shared one whole section and it was a real team effort. We were all there promoting our own goods and services but we were also there, promoting our community. On a macro level, every exhibitor was there promoting the region ( the Atlantic Provinces ) and this is what we need if we are going to make some systemic changes. As Ray Ivany has pointed out, NOW is the time for action.

In the Antigonish area, we had vendors and also volunteers so there was lots of manpower. When someone needed  a break, there was always someone willing to step in and man your booth. I can tell you,  unabashedly, that I was proud to be an Antigonisher. Our displays were eye fetching and our people were excellent ambassadors.

This event was about partnerships, networking and cooperation. All of the exhibitors were trying to show people that they don’t have to travel to far flung corners of the earth to experience amazing stuff. There are countless talented artisans, breathtaking scenery, first rate accommodations and fantastic locally produced food. It is time for all of us to do our share and become tourists in our own back yard and to support local producers.

Saltscapes had record breaking crowds this past weekend. On Saturday, traffic was backed up for a kilometer with people trying to get into the parking lots. Apparently attendance on Friday was up 50% over last year and 100% on Saturday. Not sure about Sunday numbers yet.

One other observation: people love free stuff and they absolutely love to fill out ballots. You could sample every food imaginable and there were plenty of places that would give you a taste of beer, wine or spirits. Just about every booth had some kind of draw for getaways or goods. Some people are obviously professional ballot fillers as they have personalized stamps. They don’t have time to stop and chat. They stamp the ballot and move on to the next table.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Lynne Delorey for coordinating the Antigonish section of the expo. She did a ton of work recruiting businesses and was responsible for transporting and setting up most of the displays. And nobody did more promoting of Antigonish at the event than she did. If you bump into her, make sure you thank her.

Sorry. I’ve been promising new stories and they’re coming soon.

Have a great week.

P.S.  I heard that spring was coming. I also heard that there were flurries in the forecast every day this week. Weather forecasters may have to go into a witness protection program if this keeps up!

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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