Monday Morning Musings

Posted on May 11, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with no comments yet

Len's Face

A face only a mother could love!



We all know that there’s plenty of bad news swirling around all the time. If you watch television, listen to the radio or read a newspaper, there is no shortage of heart break, misery and skullduggery. It can get you down and leave you feeling jaded, disheartened and cynical.

And then you witness something joyous , and your faith in humanity is restored.

I was honored to be the emcee at a fundraiser for Sadie Anderson this past weekend. Sadie is a 4 year old girl who is battling cancer and the community came together at Pipers Pub to give the family a financial and emotional lift. There was music, clowning, face painting and a silent auction… and large doses of love. There was no doubt that Sadie was the star. She came up on stage and sang a few songs ( Let it Go” from “Frozen” ) and , at the end of the evening told the large crowd that she loved them. And those who came,  dug deep and raised over $10,000 for the Andersons. This is why small towns rock.

I auctioned off my face. For $10.00 people could request something be painted on my face. You’ll have to look closely. My mother in law asked for a devil. In rapid fire succession ( I’m not making this up ), the requests were for the Montreal Canadiens logo and one of a horse’s arse. I’ll just let that one hang in the air for a minute! Had we were run out of room, all I had to do was take my hat off to reveal another canvas. One bold person suggested a face painting on another part of my body for $100 but I didn’t think the face painter would have stooped for that one.

It is obvious that you liked the story about Michael Campbell. Even though most of you don’t know him ( neither did I until I met him a few weeks ago ), you were captivated by his life story. If you didn`t get a chance to read the story, it is archived on my website.

We were up at our old house on the weekend continuing the “big purge.”  We only have a few weeks left before we hand over the keys . We came upon an old autographed picture of Bobby Hull, aka, “The Golden Jet.” People my age remember him streaking down the left wing and unloading his famous slapshot.  He had one of the first curved sticks ( I’m dating myself! ) and I think this coincided with goalies ( Jacques Plante being one of the pioneers ), starting  to use  face masks. Bobby Hull attended the “Father and Son” banquet at the Parish centre in 1960. This was quite a coup for Antigonish and those in the know tell me that Dr.Cecil Maclean was instrumental in getting top level hockey players like Hull and Belliveau to come to our town. I offered to give the picture away on Facebook and within minutes, it had a new home.

I am embarrassed to say this but I have never read the “Anne of Green Gables” series of books. This is at the top of my list when I retire in a few week’s time. My editor has also suggested that I read “The Chronicles of Narnia.” Once I’ve digested all of those, I may just curl up and tackle “War and Peace.” Seriously, how many of you have taken the time to read all 1456 pages ( 560,000 words ) ? The average length of my stories is 500 words so I would have to write 1000 stories to equal the word count of W@P.

Coming up on Wednesday, is the story of the capture of a mother raccoon and her babies from the roof of a porch…our porch! I had to bring in the big guns ( the Landry brothers of “Beaver Brothers” fame ) and during the rescue, our good friend ( and carpenter ) Carl Laudadio showed up to provide invaluable assistance. “True Professionals” is an apt title for this story. I think this is one that you will enjoy. If you want a sneak preview, check out this video: ( Not much happens in the first 20 seconds so be patient ).

Have a great weekend and count your blessings.

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