Monday Morning Musings

Posted on May 18, 2015 under Monday Morning Musings with 2 comments


“We stand on guard for thee”



As you read this, I am hoping that you are at the cottage or in a campground having your first coffee of the day. Everything tastes better when you’re vacationing. And the first real long weekend of the year is extra special.

Did you find any mouse droppings at the cottage when you opened it up for the first time in eight months? Did you encounter your first black fly? Did you sit around the fire pit and sing every verse of “American Pie?” Or “Barrett’s Privateers?”  I know many of you had your first feed of lobsters. After a hiatus of nearly a week ( still moving stuff out of our house prior to the closing ), I got busy on the weekend and wrote a couple of stories.

“Longing For Long Weekends” is a snapshot of the sights, sounds and smells of long weekends. With apologies to all you fervent gardeners, the story is mostly about the first trip to the cottage or the initial camping trip of the season. I ramble on about everything from the heavy traffic ( everyone leaves work early on the Friday of a long weekend ) to smores. It may not have the hype of Christmas but for pure anticipation, there’s nothing quite like the Victoria weekend.

And speaking of Barretts, the most memorable Victoria Day I ever had was back in the early 70’s when several family members descended on the home of then Premier of British Columbia, Dave Barrett. Confession. We had taken our father to the Victoria Day parade in Victoria and retreated to a pub not far from the Premier’s home. Well, one thing led to another ( you know how these things go! ) and before we knew it, we were sitting in the Premier’s living room. If you want to read the full story, just go to the search box on my home page and type in “ Grin and Barrett.”

I have almost finished the first book in the “Anne of Green Gables” series. I wasn’t sure if I would like it but it is beautifully written.

I did something this past week that I had never done before… and I did it twice. I went to see a chiropractor. I won’t bore you with my back issues as I am sure that almost every other person my age has some body part that hurts. I am quite encouraged with the early results. I have nothing bad to say about traditional medicine, but I have always been open to alternative treatments.

I said that I wrote two stories on the weekend. As regular readers know, from time to time, I like to shine the light on local businesses. Like many people, I have grave concerns about the plight of small business with the onslaught of online shopping and “out shopping.” If we don’t support our local merchants, who will we turn to when local charities and sports teams come a calling?

I can’t say too much about the story as I plan to keep it “under the dome “ (  Maxwell Smart ) until it is published. Don’t you miss “Get Smart?” … and “Mash?” There I go again, living in the past.

Have a great week.

P.S. Canada: Hockey: Golden!

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