Thursday Tidbits

Posted on December 21, 2017 under Thursday Tidbits with 3 comments

( Photo: Alison MacDonald – Age 5 )



Another calendar year is about to elapse. There will never be another like it. There never is. The memories continue to pile up like the years.

Nobody gets through a year without hardship. Many of you are grieving the loss of a loved one. Nobody knows your pain. One only hopes that the waves of anguish that wash over you, diminish with the passing of time.

2017 was particularly memorable for me as I got the opportunity to experience a new country and a new culture by spending six months (and a few weeks!) in India.

So, in no particular order, here are some of my memorable moments from the past 12 months:

. Best new food – masala dosa… or any other Indian food

. Best dessert – “sex in a pan.” I have never had sex in a pan before.

. Best book – Freedom at Midnight

. Best Netflix series – Downton Abbey

. Best musical moment (a tie) – singing with Antigonish Chorale Ensemble/ performing with Peter and Betsy at a recent fundraiser

. Best live event – Off Fringe Festival in Montreal – saw Ellie’s one woman show

. Best new friend (s) – 1.325 billion Indian people but especially Gracie

. Best friend in a crisis – brother Don who helped extricate me from India

. Best moment of the year (toss up) – turning on the water taps at the leprosy community/ the moment I got my exit permit to leave India.

. Biggest high followed by biggest low: seeing the Taj Mahal and finding out 5 hours later that my Indian visa expired

. Best response to a Week45 story – my tribute to James Macpherson

. Most unusual sports experience – getting the play by play of the Super Bowl in India (9.5 hour time difference) from Richard Johnson… on Messenger!

. Scariest moment of the year – crossing the street for the first time in Hyderabad (a city of 10 million people)

. Best movie – all the movies in the Antigonish International Film Festival

. Most embarrassing moment – showing up in traditional Indian garb to a potluck at St. James … 24 hours late!

. Best laugh – reading Bette Macdonald’s Christmas book (Mary Morrison’s Cape Breton Christmas)

. Most embarrassing moment (2) – trying to use an Indian toilet on a fast moving train

. Most exciting moment – going whale watching in Ingonish with two Indian Coady students and seeing one of the largest whales ever spotted in those parts… followed by seeing a moose on MacKenzie Mountain

. Most profound experience (tie) – first visit to the leprosy community and first visit to a slum.

. Greatest joy – spending time with my granddaughters.

. Mixed blessing of the year – not being able to get my visa for a return trip to India at the same time, experiencing medical issues. So grateful that I didn’t get the visa and was able to get first rate care in the comfort of my own town.

And thanks to all of my faithful readers. Love hearing your comments.

Have a great holiday season.

P.S. It’s still not too late! Reminder. Christmas book sale. Three books $25.00 + shipping. Regular $55. Value. Message me or send me an e-mail at


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Tri Mac Toyota!

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