Thursday Tidbits

Posted on August 15, 2019 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment

Nice looking corn crop


Bye- bye, so long, farewell,

Bye-bye so long farewell,

See you, in September,

See you when the summer’s through”

See You in September. The Happenings


“Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,

Those days of soda and pretzels and beer,

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,

Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer.

Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer. Nat King Cole.


“Slip slidin’ away, slip slidin’ away,

You know the nearer your destination, the more you’re slip slidin’ away”

Slip Slidin’ Away. Paul Simon

The mornings have a distinct chill in the air. You can almost feel and taste it but September is lurking like a thief in the night, ready to steal our warm, precious summer days.

Summer was slow arriving as is becoming the norm. But once it arrived, it has delivered a beauty. We have been blessed with an abundance of warm, sunny days and just enough rain to keep the wells filled and the crops growing. And the flowers. I can’t remember seeing so many beautiful flower gardens as I walk the roads of the town and county.

This has to be a banner tourist season in Nova Scotia. I haven’t seen this kind of highway traffic in decades.

The three songs listed above are among those that remind me most about summertime. They’re all oldies, just like me and each one brings back so many memories. I can already hear you groaning. “PLEASE don’t go on one of your nostalgic trips about the good old days” but I simply can’t help it because those WERE the good old days.

But wait, there’s more. (The old tagline from K-tel!). Do you remember these summer themed favourites?

Summertime; Summer in the City; In the Good Old Summertime; The Boys of Summer; Summer Nights; Hot Fun in the Summertime; School’s Out; Summer of ‘69; Summer Breeze; Summer Love.

I wonder which one of these gets stuck in your head for the next few days? Let me know.

This has been a summer of grandchildren, ice cream, strawberries, beaches and walking. I used to love all the seasons equally but I must confess that summer is still at the top of my list. Sitting on the deck at the cottage, embracing a warm summer breeze while looking at the ocean is just about unbeatable… unless you add a cold beverage to the list!

But now, in mid-August, I can feel it “slip slidin’ away”. The “back to school” flyers clog our mailboxes and the signs are up for the Eastern Nova Scotia Exhibition. September harkens.

My Cabot Trail walk harkens as well and by the looks of things, I may be sleeping under the stars. I’m reposting something from a few weeks back. I am trying to find accommodations in the following places, preferably in someone’s house where I can gather some stories. People tell me that Cape Bretoners have a few tales to tell!

Day 1 – North East Margaree

Day 2 – Grand Etang

Day 3- Pleasant Bay

Day 4 – Pleasant Bay *

Day 5 – Cape North

Day 6 – Cape North **

Day 7 – Ingonish (close to Dino’s former restaurant)

Day 8 – Wreck Cove (nearest to the base of Cape Smokey)

Day 9 – Tarbot

Day 10 – Big Harbour exit on the 105

Day 11- Pick up at Red Barn

*My most pressing need is on Day 3 and Day 4. There are no amenities or homes from Cheticamp to Pleasant Bay. I need to find someone from pleasant Bay to pick me up on French Mountain and take me to Pleasant Bay. If I can’t find a home there, I will stay at the hostel in the community. On Day 4, I need someone to take me from Pleasant Bay back to French Mountain where I stopped walking the previous day. I will then walk to pleasant bay and stay there once again at a home or the hostel.

Day 6. I’m thinking of taking a rest day in Cape North after walking for two days in the mountains. I know my quads will need a rest. I’ll either stay at the hostel or with a family if they’re brave enough to have me.

Have a great weekend.

P.S. I’m going to tackle a BIG walk on Saturday from home to Ballantynes Cove via North Grant and Malignant Cove – 43K with lots of hills. If you find me lying on the side of the road, resuscitate with cold beer!



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