Thursday Tidbits

Posted on January 16, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet

Music has always been a big part of my life. My earliest memories were of house parties at my parents home. Young and old would gather in the living room around the piano and sing. Occasionally a fiddle player would show up but it was mostly piano and voices and as time went on, guitars were added to the mix. I still play a bit of guitar but am pretty average.

I say this things as a lead in to a story I am working on and I must warn you that it is pure nostalgia. We Baby Boomers think that were grew up in the golden age of everything, including music. Back in the ’60’s, there were quite a few local bands and if you were a musician, you could actually make money doing it. Isn’t that a novel idea! I see so many fantastic musicians plying their trade these days and other than a few of them, the rest struggle to make a living.

Back in the late ’60’s there were two bands, The Strangers and The Escorts who pretty well had the local market cornered. This was the era when there was a dance at the local Parish Centre virtually every weekend. Some people came to the dance… to dance, some to drink and others to fight.

The story is about these two bands. I can speak with some authority on this one as I was a member of The Escorts. I was eighteen,  playing on stage, making quite a bit of money and believing I was cool. Everything in the last sentence is accurate except for the last part. The story is called “Escort Service.” If nothing else, the title might get some of you to read it. Hope you’re not too disappointed when you find out that it doesn’t involve a brothel!

Heard some people complaining about the January thaw today…not enough snow for snowmobiling, snowshoeing and skiing. Last week the other half of the population was complaining about too much snow. Maybe there will come a day when each of us will be able to completely control the climate to suit our liking!

So, after weeks and week of backbreaking shovelling you’ve had enough and you order a snow blower. The day it arrives there is not a lick of snow on the ground and you can all but be assured there won’t be another snow fall of any consequence for the rest of the winter. I can think of several other things along these lines, sort of a “Born Loser” theme. Have to write a story about this…my weekend homework.

Have a great weekend and stay tuned for “Driven to Distraction” on Saturday.



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