Thursday Tidbits

Posted on March 27, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet




Bombogenesis.  Go look it up. It is a weather related word and I saw it a few days ago in the lead up to the storm that roared through the province yesterday. There was so much hype about this storm that I couldn’t resist the temptation to write a story and so I chose the catchy name “ Bombogenesis.” Last evening, I did my own exhaustive survey (!) on Facebook to see how folks rated the storm…. 1 being a minor dustup and 10, “White Juan revisited.”  While none of us would relish being out on the highways and byways, the storm did not live up to the hype. I am all for safety and closing schools and businesses was a prudent move. It’s the unabashed and relentless hype that has me all a twitter ( no, not that Twitter ).

You spoke and the storm, the bombogenesis of all bombogenesis rated about a 5. I will probably publish this on Saturday when it’s sunny and +12.

On a completely different subject, my “gratitude jar” is starting to fill up nicely. Taking my cue from KG, I started writing down on paper something that happened each day since January 1st. day that made me feel grateful. As of yesterday, I have 85 small pieces of paper sitting in a big plastic jar that used to be home for Unico pepper rings. It will be fun at the end of the year to dump them all out and review all the things that made me feel grateful over the year. It’s not too late to start your own.

Which leads me directly to an upcoming story about how one person’s attitude completely transformed an otherwise mind numbing, moribund departure lounge at the Orlando Airport. I watched a guy who ran the Hudson News stand turn a waiting room full of tired ( depressed passengers ) who were leaving the warmth to travel back up north , into a room full of laughter. Now there is a guy who decides when he gets up in the morning that he is going to make the world a happier place. What if we all adopted that attitude? “Making a Difference” coming at you soon.

A dear friend of mine from Fairview, Alberta passed away last fall. He was just a great guy who had a wonderful sense of humour. As some of you know, I write a weekly column for the Fairview Post and this week my story is a tribute to Tony. It is along the lines of the tribute I did recently for Joe Judique. I think I will post it on my website. We have a lot of “Tonys” in our midst. Even though you didn’t know him, the story could be written about a lot of people. Coming soon, “Travels With Tony.”

And, I’m just checking with my lawyers ( not ) about the upcoming story about a visit the MacDonald clan made to the home of a sitting Premier of British Columbia back in 1973. Some of you , long in the tooth like myself, will remember the colorful, Dave Barrett. We paid him a visit one day along with our father (who was quite mortified by the whole ordeal.)  Let me take you into the Premier’s home for a beer and some music. “Grin and Barrett.”

Have a great weekend and don’t stay in the sun too long on Saturday.




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