Thursday Tidbits

Posted on June 26, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet


Someone’s small piece of paradise



I just returned from a whirlwind trip to Montreal to pick up our granddaughter who is going to spend most of the summer with us. Early Tuesday morning ( 5:00 a.m. ), I was on my way to grab a coffee. Verdun is one of the older neighborhoods in Montreal and the streetscape is very typical of Montreal. Street after street is made up of three story apartments side by side with a spiral staircase reaching the top floor. There is a small plot of grass in front of each building. My guess is that it might be 10 feet square at the most.

It was early daylight when I passed an apartment and saw this lawn display. It is amazing that some people are able to make something out of very little.

The “chase the ace” phenomenon is spreading like wildfire after someone won $289,000 last week in Havre Boucher. Congrats to her and the hard work of the community. But, as you know, sometimes I can’t resist poking a bit of fun about lotteries and games of chance. “Chasing Clouds” is a light hearted look at this latest craze. I hope to publish it soon… after I stand in line for lottery tickets!

How many of you have travelled to Iona? Iona, Cape Breton,  that is. It is one of many beautiful spots in Cape Breton and the subject of my story in this week’s Cape Breton Star. Some of you will remember that my daughter was ( is ) a great baker. She was the “cupcake lady” at the Farmer’s Market in Antigonish , for a few years. She also made amazing wedding cakes. This story is the tale of a harrowing drive we took to Iona a few years ago, with a three tiered wedding cake on the hottest day of the summer. I will be posting this on my website in the next week or so.

And keeping with the Cape Breton theme, I was at it bright and early yesterday morning writing another piece for the Star, highlighting the community of Inverness. Betty’s father was a doctor there for several years and we travelled to visit them on many occasions. “ A Link to Cabot”, a none too subtle reference to the new world class golf course, Cabot Links, is a reflection on my times visiting the area.

Ok. Here’s my last chance to plug “Art in the Park” which launches tomorrow evening at 5:30 in Chisholm Park. It runs until 9:00 p.m so don’t worry if you can’t get there at the beginning. It’s going to be a great evening of art and culture. I will be the emcee and will be wearing my kilt. No peeking! If you want to see some wonderful talent on stage or in the many kiosks dotting the property ( including food ), grab a chair and “come on down.”

And one other thing. Unless my editorial team says otherwise, I will be publishing “Pipe Dreams”  this Saturday on my website. It’s meant as a shout out to the Antigonish Highland Society Pipe Band.

Have a terrific weekend.


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