Thursday Tidbits

Posted on July 24, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet

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Street Fair on Main – 2014



The 151st. edition of the Antigonish Highland Games is fading in the rear view mirror. We should all applaud the hundreds of volunteers that make this happen every year. Some of these people have been giving of their time for over 50 years. They need reinforcements and they need it now. Maybe you will consider volunteering next year. A special mention to Jamie MacDonald and his team for organizing an awesome Street Fair.

All you working stiffs ( myself included ).  What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you contemplate going to work on Mondays? I know that two cups of coffee are mandatory before I show my face at the office…  just to make sure I don’t destroy my computer or hurl an epithet at some unsuspecting staff member ( or worse, a client ). What is it about Mondays that so easily seems to take us out of rhythm? This past Monday, it seemed that everyone in our office was just a tad off kilter. The very first appointment of the week was a complete surprise to all of us as no one knew this person was coming.

When I got home from work on Monday, I decided to try and articulate why Mondays are so different from the other days of the week. Do you have a theory on Mondays? Please pass along your comments as my story “ Monday, Monday” is getting down to the edit stage. As far as I can tell, the only really good thing about Monday is that it became the title of that great Momma’s and Papa’s tune from 1966. Ouch. Another sign of aging. That song is nearly 50 years old!

I am also putting on the finishing touches on a story for the Cape Breton Star. Because the paper is distributed all over Cape Breton Island, I am trying to profile the different towns and villages. Next week, I will be doing a story about Port Hastings and Port Hawkesbury. “Make Haste to the Hawk” gives a brief overview of the Strait area,  where big industry has always been a trademark. But ultimately, it comes back to the people and the area has its share of character and characters. I will be publishing that story on my website after it has been published in the Star.

My tribute to David Miller and Aida Arnold received a large and warm response. They have contributed so much to our community over the years that I felt a shout out was in order. Come out to the Art Fair tomorrow evening at Chisholm Park and say hello to them. By the way, they are not just great ideas people. They are true workers and aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, doing all of the mundane chores that are required to put on a quality event.

Have a great weekend.


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