Thursday Tidbits

Posted on August 21, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet


Here’s lookin’ at you



Oh my, but we have some talented people living around here. I discovered this mural on the side of the Marie’s Flowers building. I urge you to take a leisurely stroll down Main Street some day. Start at The Wheel and end at ( in ) the Heritage Museum. Walk slowly and pay attention to all the buildings, the flowers and the store fronts. We should all be proud of our community. It looks fantastic this time of the year. I always think about parents dropping their kids off for the first time at St.F.X. If this is their maiden voyage to Antigonish , then they would surely have a good first impression.

And speaking of talent, we have an amazing lineup for the last “Art in the Park” tomorrow evening at Chisholm Park.  Please note: we are starting at 5:00 p.m. as the days are getting shorter. Please come and support our artists and see performers from all over the world. Yes, several Coady students will be among the performers and the show will conclude with the amazing and energetic folks from the Phillipines. The weather looks good and there will be some delicious food.

The Fall Fair will be staring soon as will school. September really is the official start of the year for most of us. I don’t know about you, but as fantastic as the summer has been, there’s something to be said about routine… not to be confused with poutine. The fall of the year seems to have a distinct rhythm and everyone seems to be back in a groove. It is also one of the best times of the year. The air is crisp and later on, we get to witness the incredible spectacle of the changing of the leaves.

Mark this date on your calendars: Sunday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m. I will be taking my travelling show on the road all the way down to Heatherton in support of the community’s efforts to raise money for their new community centre ( the old elementary school ). Besides Phil and myself doing our thing, my four children will be performing some great tunes. The last time I heard them perform publically together was when they opened for Bruce Gouthro many moons ago in Mabou. I hope you will come out and support this worthwhile endeavor.

Lots of new material coming at you soon. Next up ( on Saturday ) is “Salt of the Yurt” which tells of my chance encounter with Ann Campbell who co-manages the gift shop at Cabot Links in Inverness. The gift shop is housed in a yurt. If you haven’t seen one before, Google it. I will have a picture taken on the inside of the yurt but you need to see the whole structure.

Hope to see you tomorrow evening and have a fantastic weekend.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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