Thursday Tidbits

Posted on December 11, 2014 under Thursday Tidbits with one comment


I’m a basket case when it comes to sweets

    And so it begins. Two weeks and counting until the big day and temptations abound. This is kind of a lousy time of the year to stop eating sweets, but let’s face it, there’s no good time if you have a sweet tooth. I might take a serious run at this gift basket on Christmas Day. Luckily the temptation will go away on Boxing Day when my son, Peter and I head out on our big transcontinental trip.

It didn’t take long to get feedback on yesterday’s story called “Just Ask a Woman.” It sounds like I am preaching to the converted. Most women have intuitions that don’t require expensive surveys, especially when it comes to children.

I mentioned the other day that I was working on some new stories. This is hardly startling because I’m always working on new material. So, when was the last time you thought about your spleen, or your toenails? How about a molar, your kneecap or your sacroiliac? We rarely think about body parts until something goes wrong with one of them. In other words, we take our bodies for granted. Like many others of my ilk, I spent summers as a child at the beach, long before it was fashionable to wear sunscreen. I played golf for the better part of 45 years and was exposed to harmful rays of the sun, especially with a depleted ozone. As a result, I accumulated some skin related problems over the years and ended up under the care of a dermatologist in Halifax. “Skin in The Game” is a lighthearted look at a fairly serious subject.

I will be signing books once again this Saturday from 10:00- 1:00 at the 5 to $1.00. Now I know full well that not all of you are Scots and don’t object to paying sales tax. For those of you who do, you can also buy books directly from me and save yourself a wee bit of tax. Just give me a call at 902-870-1125. Don’t you love having to add the 902 when dialing? You’d think we lived in New York. I mean, our population is dropping. If anything we should be eliminating a digit or two.  There was a day we used to call the operator and give a two digit number to get in touch with a friend.

Stay tuned for “Deck Orations” this weekend and coming up next week is “Taking Its Toll.”

Have a great weekend.

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Tri Mac Toyota!

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