Thursday Tidbits

Posted on July 30, 2015 under Thursday Tidbits with no comments yet


Big bike….. great cause!



The first “back to school” flyers arrived in the mail the other day. Can the Halloween flyers be far behind? Back to school means different things to different people. If you are a parent, the mere thought of preparing school lunches may induce the urge to have a second ( or third! ) glass of wine with the evening meal. If you are a seven year old, September seems as far away as Pluto. The summer seems endless and moves at the pace of molasses. If you are a teacher , the end of July is the first harbinger that school is just around the corner. Intellectually, you know that there’s still a month of holidays left but school is lurking in the deep recesses of your mind.

With these things in mind, I thought that this would be a good time to write a piece about the phenomenon of going back to school. “Class Act” is the fictional tale of a teacher who returns to school in September. Not only will she be teaching a new grade but she is going to a new school. Some of you may know that I was a teacher , once upon a time, so I’m in a good position to write this one.

Now, you know Pat Evans. The response to “positively Pat” was overwhelming. You were inspired by her story as was I when I first met her. Here are a few comments that were sent to me:

“Well, Len, this attitude in a person who has endured severe physical hardship and restricted mobility makes us aware that our minor aches and pains are less than inconveniences. You often find an appropriate word or phrase in a song that you sing/or did sing. One such comes to mind here: When you’re weary and you can’t sleep, count your blessings instead of sheep. And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings. The lady deserves all the praise that comes her way for her positive attitude to life. “

“ Len, what an incredible lady! Hopefully you will be able to persuade her to come to Antigonish in the fall. She is an inspiration to others and we have much to learn from people with courage, perseverance, optimism and fortitude. Keep finding people like Pat and add hope to a world that is in need of heroes and heroines. Thanks for sharing Pat’s story.”

I will keep you posted about a possible visit from Pat to Antigonish in the fall.

My third book is in the hands of my book editor and is scheduled for release in late October. I haven’t finalized the title so if you have any ideas, please send them along. If I choose your title, I will send you a fabulous prize!

Which is a convenient segue to my next topic: merchandise. Now women, don’t get excited. The prize is NOT a crocodile leather handbag from Hermes. And, no guys, you won’t get Leaf playoff tickets (!). The prize is , a soon to be released, “limited edition” Week45 baseball cap. These will be on the market soon. I expect long lineups at fine retail establishments once the launch is announced…. and pigs fly!

Ok. Last thing. If you are having a reunion some time this summer or fall ( would someone please tell me when summer arrives? ), bring me along to your gathering. I can tell stories from my books and also play some Maritime music.

Have a great long weekend and hope to see some of you next Monday 3rd. at 2:00 at the Visitor Information Centre for “Tales and Tunes.”

Enjoy this? Visit the rest of my website to enjoy more of my work or buy my books!
Highland Hearing Clinic

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